Directed by: Andrew Johnson
Released: August 2005
Preview No one will want to make a 3dmm movie ever again after watching this. In true Hollywood style, Mousenator has presented us with what is in my opinion, not only the best movie of '05, but the best movie ever created in 3D Movie Maker. Every new scene is eyepleasing, the camerawork is stunning and the whole feel to the movie is very professional. The storyline of this epic space exploration follows a crew of people who venture into a derelict space craft and get more than they had bargained for. There are so many amazing twists in this movie, I question whether the director gained professional help. The scripting is beautiful, the plot is superb, and it is carried off serenely, by a score of magnificant music and well used sound effects. Mousenator has slowly made his way into the realms of being one of the best 3dmm director's around. Everyone must see this masterpiece. Review by Richard Bevis - 10/10.

Andrew Johnson

Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Derelict [25.84 MB]
Derelict Teaser
Directed by: Andrew Johnson
Released: April 2005
Preview A teaser for Mousenator's next movie, and this looks awesome! Kinda like a mix between Alien and Nightmare From Space. But Derelict definitely looks better then NFS! And looks better as-well. Mousenator is excellent at 3dmm horrors, with his first movie, Fear and now this. Mousenator is fast becoming one of the best newbies around. Thing for him are extremely promising. This, I can't wait for. Review by Ben Rice.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Derelict Teaser [564 KB]