Death of the Newbie
Directed by: JP, Josh Byrd, Fredrick Arnoy, Gorosaurus
Released: September 2002
Preview A very decent and clever movie from JP, Josh Byrd, Fredrick Arnoy & Gorosaurus here. I won't give it away but if you can get past the default scenes in the first 5 minutes it becomes an extremely enjoyable film. Alot of thought went into this, I wish the different stories could've linked slightly more, but anyway. A very fun film, you should watch it now.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Death of the Newbie [6.84 MB]
Eirik Vs Fredrick
Directed by: Fredrick Arnoy
Released: September 2001
Preview A friendly 'war' type of movie. It is basically about Fredrick Arnoy and his friend, Eirik, fighting because they piss each other off. Fredrick has directed this movie reasonably well, creating some nice eye candy in the process. The movie starts off OK, but takes a turn for the worse when taxi's start flying up into space, although the battle sequence which takes place on another planet is quite good. I think the movie attempted to be slightly comical, but failed - but this doesn't stop it from being another deceit movie from good old Fred. The voice acting by Tom Simpson wasn't too shabby either.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Eirik Vs Fredrick [2.17 MB]
Farnoy Showcase, The
Directed by: Fredrick Arnoy
Released: March 2003
Preview This pack includes several clips (35 + 3 posters and 2 reviews) Fredrick Arnoy made either before he joined the community or during the first months (Summer 2001). Everything from 'The Lupees' series to stupid commercials, and less embarrassing stuff like the 'Normandy Clip' or 'Xtreme 2' trailer are in there. A recommended download.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Farnoy Showcase, The [12.39 MB]
Jorrit's Birthday
Directed by: Fredrick Arnoy, Thomas Saville
Released: December 2003
Preview Keeping in with the EP tradition of making fellow members a special birthday message movie, Fred and Tom have released this for Jorrit's 21st. Featuring the Fred, Tom, Jorrit and an inflatable Stalin; hilarity ensues. Hehehe!
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Jorrit's Birthday [377 KB]
Memories of a Soldier
Directed by: Fredrick Arnoy
Released: April 2002
Preview A brilliant short drama by Fred here. He really captures the mood of the time very well. The widescreen borders also look very good adding to the mood. The music was perfectly chosen and fitted like a glove with the action. The only flaw I could find is that the way in which the movie ended could've been slightly improved. Very well done though Fredrick.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Memories of a Soldier [884 KB]
PowerPlay: Part 1
Directed by: Fredrick Arnoy, Jorrit Stuifmeel
Released: February 2003
Preview I've been looking forward to this movie for a long time now. So, what is PowerPlay? Imagine the community as an actual living real world. Imagine the people of the community living in this world. Imagine a struggle for power and influence going on - this is the kind of ethos the PowerPlay world builds around. The attention to detail in the scenery in this movie is breathtaking - watch out Dragon In America! What else can I say? The script is cool, the voices are great, its beautiful and it's entertaining! A magical movie. I just hope that Fred and Jorrit hurry up with part 2!
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
PowerPlay: Part 1 [5.71 MB]
PowerPlay Teaser
Directed by: Fredrick Arnoy, Jorrit Stuifmeel
Released: December 2002
Preview Ever since the existence of this movie was announced, I have been looking forward to it - but god damn, I hate teasers... because they do just that; tease! Especially this one. Directed by the fine Fredrick Arnoy and Jorrit Stuifmeel, the move takes place in a '3dmm world' where major 3dmm sites are represented as large cities and 3dmm if your life. It's pure eye-candy; the scenery is breathtaking, the camera angles are superb and the music is perfect.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
PowerPlay Teaser [305 KB]
Tom's Birthday
Directed by: Fredrick Arnoy, Jorrit Stuifmeel
Released: July 2003
Preview Shot in EP City - setting of the Powerplay films, this movie celebrates Tom Saville's birthday and jokes around. Very good scenes, animation and comedy. The voices are of a very high standard. A good 'laff.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Tom's Birthday [425 KB]
War is Hell Teaser
Directed by: Fredrick Arnoy
Released: March 2002
Preview Wow, amazingly detailed scenes here from Fred and they move too. The voice acting seemed a tad over the top but this is only a teaser! This movie looks awesome, can't wait at all. Review by Will Cheyney.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
War is Hell Teaser [451 KB]
Directed by: Fredrick Arnoy
Released: September 2001
Preview This is a great little short here, by Fredrick Arnoy. It's (I think) about some clumsy undercover guy, who gets caught in a warehouse by whoever he is spying on. Pretty nice self-made scenes here, but the animation is a little jumpy, and a pretty vague story line. Good audio. Would make a great full length movie some time.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
X-Treme [1.94 MB]