Directed by: JP
Released: February 2003
Preview This was QUITE good. An abstract sort of movie that the director made to convey his feelings about upcoming graduation. A very nicely done representation. The scenes are very well done, and the camera movements are smooth. Basically a sweet little movie that you should save a spot on your hard drive for.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Confidence [495 KB]
Death of the Newbie
Directed by: JP, Josh Byrd, Fredrick Arnoy, Gorosaurus
Released: September 2002
Preview A very decent and clever movie from JP, Josh Byrd, Fredrick Arnoy & Gorosaurus here. I won't give it away but if you can get past the default scenes in the first 5 minutes it becomes an extremely enjoyable film. Alot of thought went into this, I wish the different stories could've linked slightly more, but anyway. A very fun film, you should watch it now.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Death of the Newbie [6.84 MB]
Directed by: JP
Released: April 2002
Preview When 'Doom' is mentioned, I think most people will understand what movie I'm talking about. Let's be honest, this movie has indeed been a great inspiration for others. JP was a new guy in the community when he shocked everyone with the release of this movie. Although the scenery and animation are great in this movie, there are no voices - something I kinda hate. Apart from this, the movie features a great soundtrack and good sound effects. Plot wise this movie is amazing too. It was something totally original that the community hadn't seen before. People that haven't seen this movie yet should download it immediately! A classic in 3dmm history.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Doom [5.86 MB]
Doom 2: The Awakening
Directed by: JP
Released: December 2002
Preview WOW! I think it would be pretty safe to call this a 3dmm classic already. It has a very real, very dark, beautiful feel to it showing off some excellent camera techniques and stunning scenery. JP has obviosuly given the movie a lot of thought and a very good plot starts to emerge. If you didn't download this during the Flim Festival the I can only suggest that you do. Right now.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Doom 2: The Awakening [7.65 MB]
Doom: Platinum Edition
Directed by: JP
Released: December 2002
Preview After the release of the original Doom, it came to light that a few of the plot details were a little hazy for the majority of people. I think this was the reason JP released this special edition of the movie to clear some things up. The platinum edition features a new intro and extra scenes. It also features voices and everything is explained in greater detail. Doom fans will defiantly like this and I recommend that everybody who had difficulties with the original to download this. It will add extra beauty to JP's masterpiece.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Doom: Platinum Edition [5.14 MB]
Manhatten Folds
Directed by: JP
Released: April 2003
Preview It was brilliant. Shit, it was by JP, of course it was brilliant! The 3 subplots tied up perfectly in the end, as I
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Manhatten Folds [3.85 MB]
Directed by: JP
Released: August 2002
Preview The first film ever by JP is surprisingly more standard than his movies became. As far as style goes, this film shares the moody, dark style that JP has made his trademark. The story involves an elite group of New York City detectives as they struggle to keep the most dangerous criminals from wreaking havok on the city. The presentation is key. Zero's camera is active and smooth, juxtaposing tight, intimate shots, with large moving panoramas. There are some basic attempts at rotation and quick movements, which all come off well enough. One aspect of JPs films is they have a sort of stylized realism. Although the scenes are dark and moody, there's always realistic action taking place, such as bobbing up and down with the motion of a train. The sound is MIDI based for the most part, but JP's selection of MIDIs compliments the action well and blends with this sort of movie. It would be nice to see the movie with some voice acting, but the text boxes work well enough. Overall, this is a must download for any director to take some lessons on presentation and style. Review by Andrew Salter.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Zero [4.13 MB]
Zero 2
Directed by: JP
Released: May 2003
Preview There
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Zero 2 [8.31 MB]