Godzilla X MechaGodzilla 2003 (Teaser A)
Directed by: James Ballard
Released: December 2002
Preview A very decent teaser which makes me really want to see this film. One great thing is that it's very much in the mood of the Godzilla style Japanese film. Can't wait.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Godzilla X MechaGodzilla 2003 (Teaser A) [280 KB]
Godzilla X MechaGodzilla 2003 (Teaser B)
Directed by: James Ballard
Released: December 2002
Preview Same as above with different scenes, and makes another nice teaser. I do like the way James makes his teasers/previews as they have a special uniqueness that draws you in. Very nice.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Godzilla X MechaGodzilla 2003 (Teaser B) [626 KB]
Liquid Zero
Directed by: James Ballard
Released: May 2000
Preview James Ballard's 2000 movie shows some creative ideas that unfortunately never make it to fruition. The story is vague, but what little of it there is is mildly interesting at least. There's a good guy, his sidekick, and the bad guy and his secret weapon, who at a moment's notice can flood our own dear misty city. Unfortunately what happens along the way is anyone's guess. The presentation relies entirely on 3DMM's default scenery, so there's no real creative opportunity in this aspect. Visually, the film has a few special effects, mostly involving all too bounded water. As it is, the film is severely limited by its reliance on default scenery. The audio half of the film is similarly frustrating. Though some parts are well acted, the majority of the vocals are drowned out by wav music or worse, MIDI, which cannot be stopped within the same scene, so there was almost no way of hearing some dialogue. Unfortunately, the interesting plot involving a water daemon never plays out, and Liquid Zero is ultimately left with little more than an idea to keep the viewer involved. Review by Andrew Salter.
Overall rating: 2/10 Download
Liquid Zero [2.31 MB]
Liquid Zero 2
Directed by: James Ballard
Released: June 2000
Preview Though an improvement from the first, Liquid Zero 2 doesn't follow through on the intriguing ideas. The plot continues from where the first movie left off, but turns out to be basically the same as the first movie with improved special effects, the villain inside the cube, and a random black dude spouting inspirational advice. The presentation has been improved to incorporate moving scenes and custom camera angles. This helps the watchability of the film, though it doesn't save it. The visuals are also bumped up, relying on rudimentary custom scenery that does it's job well enough. The audio also improves, with more dialogue able to be heard. The music however, ranges from the hardcore to the downright sappy, including a saxaphone lick comfortable in a dentist's reception room near the end of the film. The spruced up look of the film, however, fails to mask the deep flaws in the plot, making for an improved, but not revitalized, film compared to the first. Review by Andrew Salter.
Overall rating: 3/10 Download
Liquid Zero 2 [4.52 MB]
Directed by: James Ballard
Released: April 2001
Preview Zombie, as the title suggests, is a thriller/horror zombie flick. It is the first in a line up of 4 Zombie movies. The basic gist of the story line is that a Zombie is terrorizing a city, and the hard cop is out to go get it. The story has well thought out twists and turns, which do take you by surprise. All scenes are custom made, and very nicely detailed throughout. As are the props and characters, which are all superbly animated. Throughout, the movie makes use of some excellent music which creates a genuine sense of suspense, but is sometimes ruined by the occasional lack of music or "background noise", but it doesn't spoil the movie too badly. The download size may be a bit hefty for us 56k'ers, but, it is worth it. An extremely worthy addition to anyone's 3dmm movie collection.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Zombie [7.56 MB]
Zombie 2
Directed by: James Ballard
Released: July 2001
Preview The sequel to the awesome 'Zombie' (see above) is out now: 'Zombie 2: Kabcoo Conspiracy'. As in the original, it is a great mix of 3 genres: action, drama and horror. Again, as in the original, the majority of the scenery is excellent, and well detailed. The character and prop animation was smooth, with very little 'jumping'. The main problem with the movie is that it is very heavy on the dialogue, and like in the original, there are a few awkward silent spots with no background sound or effects. Zombie 2 is an extremely worthy sequel, and should be downloaded immediately!
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Zombie 2 [6.03 MB]
Zombie 3
Directed by: James Ballard
Released: November 2001
Preview James Ballard's Zombie series continues. This chapter involves the tragic death of Domonic and the search of his friend and colleague Bob to find out why he killed himself. James created some interesting drama sequences in this chapter, which I find pretty well fitting in this whole movie. The scenery is ok and the animations and camera movements are not superb but still very well done. Voice acting is of great essence in a film like this and it seems James has done a good job of setting up good voice actors to do their lines. The musical score is very well placed and accompanied by good sound effects. Overall this movie is another great chapter to the growing Zombie series and deserves a place in everyone's 3dmm movie collection.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Zombie 3 [5.63 MB]
Zombie 4
Directed by: James Ballard
Released: June 2002
Preview The fourth installment in the Zombie series, and defiantly my favorite. Once again is a fast-paced action/thriller following the mysterious story about the creation of zombie creatures and the cover-up going on. The plot is hugely involving and I suggest you watch the previous 3 prequels prior to this so that you can take everything onboard. Zombie 4 kicks off where the last movie ended clearing a few events up for us. James has got the animation and scenery for this series down to a tee - the whole formula is fantastic. The music he uses, I love, and it is obvious that he has spent some time choosing a score that fits the on-screen action perfectly. He has also included some other nice extras in the download; such as, deleted scenes, commentary and a small 'Zombie: the story so far' movie to help refresh your memory of what has happened so far in the previous episodes. A superb movie that should be in everyone's collection.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Zombie 4 [13.16 MB]