Bad Demeanor
Directed by: Leslie Wai
Released: December 2002
Preview Who is Leslie Wai?! Eh? Coz this is one cool movie - especially for a newbie (or so we're told at the end of the movie). Honestly, it's great, even if it is unfortunately incomplete. Right from the cool intro, to the 'final' scene, this movie was nicely paced and fun to watch. Some of the animation techniques were nice, with music that fitted well - he even composed some of it himself. Expect great things from this newbie... and if you're reading this Leslie, please finish it and send it in!
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Bad Demeanor [2.87 MB]
Black Hole Sun
Directed by: Leslie Wai
Released: January 2003
Preview I love this guy. Every movie I've seen by Leslie rocks. I dunno what it is - I think they just "flow" well. 'Black Hole sun' is obviously inspired by 'The Rebirth of 3dmm' - depicting the imminence of Armageddon. Not quite as moving as Rebirth, but still a good watch. Slick animation and a nice change in pace towards the end.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Black Hole Sun [1.14 MB]
Bodycount Round 2
Directed by: Leslie Wai, others
Released: August 2003
Preview Hmmm... A bit dodgy in comparison to the previous Bodycount release. The entries (of which there were only 5) didn't really live up to the standard set by its predecessor - one entry wasn't even complete and the rest weren't particularly substantial. That said, a couple of parts were fairly good and some animations were pretty neat. Download if you are a fan of the series, but if you're a first-timer, stick with the original.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Bodycount Round 2 [5.44 MB]
Cataclysmic Contentment (edit)
Directed by: Leslie Wai
Released: February 2003
Preview A very nice edit of the extremely unfinished movie by Will Maltby. This original movie is the sequel to his famous DD. The edit has added detail in lacking scenes and adding scenes. I enjoyed this more than the original unfinished movie, and I hope Leslie continues this on further keeping the same standard.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Cataclysmic Contentment (edit) [2.25 MB]
Drive Thru
Directed by: Leslie Wai
Released: December 2002
Preview HEHE! Using the track 'Drive Through' from the Tenacious D album, Leslie added visual entertainment to Jack and Kyle ordering their food. Simple, yet very funny. Download for a chuckle.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Drive Thru [1.89 MB]
Fun Time With the Pope #1
Directed by: Leslie Wai
Released: December 2002
Preview Another movie by the totally unheard of director Leslie Wai! And, like 'Bad Demeanor' it's a really good watch. The title of the movie kinda gave me the impression that it was going to be lame movie; how wrong I was. I really like Leslie's directing techniques and how he manages to find music that it perfectly fitting to the action on-screen. Top stuff.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Fun Time With the Pope #1 [2.47 MB]
Haunted House (Clip)
Directed by: Leslie Wai
Released: March 2003
Preview Oooo! Now this looks cool. As you probably already know if you come here often, I am a big fan of Leslie's work... I love it. I love it all! This clip is just a couple of scenes from his next movie, 'Haunted House' that looks pretty damn cool. The animation, as always, is smooth and fastly-paced. A definite download, even if it is only a scene or two, and look out for the movie when it is released!
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Haunted House (Clip) [312 KB]
Heavy Fatality (unfinished)
Directed by: Leslie Wai
Released: January 2004
Preview Another unfinished movie by Mr. Wai, and supposedly marking the end to his pretty short-lived 3dmm career. Border-lining on Pointless Action Movie (PAM) status, Heavy Fatality is a non-stop action romp. The combination of Leslie's stylised sphere-built characters and Maltby-esq animation are all the makings necessary for a great futuristic war type movie. There's something about the action that adds a bizarre sense of realism. A fantastic start - just a shame it wont get finished!
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Heavy Fatality (unfinished) [1.88 MB]
Lame Sniper Movie
Directed by: Leslie Wai
Released: April 2003
Preview Occasionally a sniper movie can be somewhat entertaining, but this one really isn't. The movie starts off quite simplistic, and nothing really groundbreaking happens throughout the entire first sequence. However then just as it starts to get a lot better and looks like it could be doing something a bit different, a poxy black screen comes up explaining that the director ran out of ideas. It's a sniper movie for christ's sake. It's not like they're meant to have a plot, so I don't know how you run out of ideas. Either way, that point broke the movie.
Overall rating: 2/10 Download
Lame Sniper Movie [823 KB]
Phosphorescent Teaser
Directed by: Leslie Wai
Released: September 2003
Preview Ooo! Now this looks very nice... yet another ambitious project by the ultra cool Leslie Wai featuing an entire cast of hand made characters. Looks amazing, moves great and I for one can't wait!
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Phosphorescent Teaser [341 KB]
Unreal Tournament Team Arena Teaser
Directed by: Leslie Wai
Released: February 2003
Preview A very sweet teaser (oh it teases!) for a new movie by Leslie. Leslie has to be one of the most promising newbies there is - some of the effects in this movie are fantastic! For example, he has managed to create flowing, rippling flags that almost look real. The music was excellently fitting, and the weapons previewed look cool. Penciled in for this summer, I can't wait!
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Unreal Tournament Team Arena Teaser [490 KB]