3dmm Survivor - Episode 1
Directed by: Matt McGowan
Released: May 2001
Preview After seeing Greg Niecestro's "Surviving Pokegay", Matt McGowan had the idea of a "3dmm Survivor" - a movie based around the same principles as the (what was) ever increasingly popular "survivor" craze. So here is the first episode out of a planned total of 13. Only 6 were ever released. The series includes various members of the community, all of whom stuck on an island and divided into two teams (close resemblance to 'Temptation Island'). The first episode is basically introduces the starring characters and explains how the series is going to work. The animation is ok, but scenery is somewhat lacking in places. Overall, a good start the series.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
3dmm Survivor - Episode 1 [3.08 MB]
3dmm Survivor - Episode 2
Directed by: Matt McGowan
Released: April 2001
Preview The second episode is funnier than the first. Goat's tribe attempts to get Ruiz back to his "normal" self, while Tony lays about doing nothing. Quite funny and makes for an excellent episode 1 follow-up.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
3dmm Survivor - Episode 2 [2.63 MB]
3dmm Survivor - Episode 3
Directed by: Matt McGowan
Released: May 2001
Preview n this episode, Jim gets himself in trouble by demolishing all of his tribe's rice. Jeff Ching decides he needs to 'relieve' himself. Greg arrives - we learn some shocking news about him. Then Andres shows up...
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
3dmm Survivor - Episode 3 [2.29 MB]
3dmm Survivor - Episode 4
Directed by: Matt McGowan
Released: June 2001
Preview This is the point where I think that the series started to go downhill. The fourth episode is lacking even more so that usual in the visual department relying a lot more on humor. There's a hilarious scene between Andres and Jeff, but other than that, I didn't enjoy it as much as the others.
Overall rating: 4/10 Download
3dmm Survivor - Episode 4 [2.61 MB]
3dmm Survivor - Episode 5
Directed by: Matt McGowan
Released: June 2001
Preview It's sad.... The 3dmm Survivor series started off well, they were amusing and fun to watch. But, just as the TV series did, the movies have gone down hill, and become, essentially, a flop. Well, I thought Matt may get things together for episode 5, but it's still not good. Matt had been listening to the community though, and improved on the scenery, but at a loss.The plot and general direction of the movie has become 'lost', making the movie feel almost clumsy and stupid. Most of the movie just involves the tribal members shouting mindlessly, REALLY LOUD, which just becomes really annoying, making it almost unmatchable. As usual, there was the immunity challenge, but I had no idea what was going on.... simply more yelling. Oh, and someone got voted off the island... don't know who, simply because I don't know who is who any more. Hopefully the dialogue in episode 6 will be improved (i.e. no shouting!). If you download this movie, before watching it, make sure you turn your volume setting to -20db and wear some stiff ear plugs, because your ears are gonna hurt afterwards... lots.
Overall rating: 4/10 Download
3dmm Survivor - Episode 5 [3.15 MB]
3dmm Survivor - Episode 6
Directed by: Matt McGowan
Released: October 2001
Preview Unfortunately, it gets even worse. This is the worst and last episode in the series. There was rumor of episode 7, but it never appeared. The scenery is no better (even though Sapone and Pikios apparently did it), the jokes are boring and to be honest, how is this different from any other episode? I don't know... perhaps I've just got bored with the series. Oh, and Matt was still screaming into the microphone which ruined it further. I found it hard to watch the whole movie... Hmm.
Overall rating: 3/10 Download
3dmm Survivor - Episode 6 [2.30 MB]
Andres the Fortune Teller
Directed by: Matt McGowan
Released: January 2001
Preview A fairly pointless short by Matt McGowan, Andres the Fortune Teller features what one can only assume to be Andres de la Hoz as some sort of mystic inviting us to come to a reading. There's not much more story than that. The movie contains some moving cameras, but nothing to get excited about. The visuals are there, but not the star of the show. However, there is no other star of this show. The dialogue features the worst Andres imitation yet, and that's about it. McGowan appears to have created this as a hate/experimentation movie, and there's not much there to warrent a download. Review by Andrew Salter.
Overall rating: 1/10 Download
Andres the Fortune Teller [504 KB]
Child Killer the Movie
Directed by: Matt McGowan
Released: January 2000
Preview The feature length Child Killer is here, with a different character as the Child Killer once again. The movie tells the story of how the killer became the 'Child killer' and how he got his reputation. The voices sounded mostly the same, the scenery was pretty good. This movie is more of a drama then a PAM or a comedy, though it does have plenty of action and a good bit of comedy. Matt has made a good effort at the Child Killer Movie. Well done. Review by Ben Rice.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Child Killer the Movie [3.88 MB]
Homeland 3
Directed by: Matt McGowan
Released: July 2001
Preview With the previous Homeland movies in the Homeland series being well below par, I wasn't expecting much from the third installment. However, after hearing that the movie was directed by Matt McGowan, maybe, just maybe, the movie may be something a bit more special. And by'gum it is better... The story takes place before the other two Homelands and is streets ahead in terms of character development. The scenery ain't bad, but is more than adequate. The music was also well selected, and suited the movies style. A pretty decent movie, which is worth the download if your looking for something new.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Homeland 3 [3.38 MB]
Where the Love Is
Directed by: Matt McGowan
Released: December 2000
Preview Matt McGowan's new heartwarmer does just that. Very good voice acting and a nice soundtrack from Bean. Final Verdict: Awww.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Where the Love Is [630 KB]
Directed by: Matt McGowan
Released: December 2000
Preview It's the 3dmm movie based on the Hollywood movie based on the comic book series. Wowee. And when I saw the preview, I thought that this was going to be something special. Sadly, this is a classic example of a movie not living up to the preview. I could tell from the opening schoolroom scene set in 1947 with the 1990's song 'Gangsta's Paradise' playing. I mean, come on, it was just inappropriate. And when the teacher sees Magneto use his powers, all she does is throw him out of the classroom... AS IF. Now the whole movie is in widescreen for the entire movie which is annoying and there's no plot to really speak of, Senator Kelly launches a bill that makes it compulsory for Mutants to register (sound familiar?) and the X-Men go to attack his headquarters. This weak plot is compounded by the poor characterisation and cardboard-style script so much so that at the end where someone is in danger for his life, you just don't care. Some effects look quite good but overall, this movie is very disappointing. At least he assures us there won't be a sequel.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
X-Men [6.29 MB]