Directed by: Mike Pruno
Released: January 2003
Preview I can easily sum up this movie. Poor plot, voices, scenery and widescreen. Stolen Music, ideas, scenes. This movie has some good scenes, but i'm pretty sure they have been stolen. The director doesn't even know how to change the scene transitions from dissolve to cut. If it was fast cut it might've been bearable, but alas it was boring, and I couldn't hear the voices. If only the director had actually bothered to watch it through and realise how slow it went and that you can't hear the voices over the (stolen) music. Better luck next time.
Overall rating: 2/10 Download
Companion [2.04 MB]
Companion Preview
Directed by: Mike Pruno
Released: January 2003
Preview Pretty poor movie that lack originality, but gets credit for being well built and showing the right parts of the movie without giving away bits of the story.
Overall rating: 0/10 Download
Companion Preview [343 KB]