Big Boom, The
Directed by: Nick BR
Released: March 2001
Preview You know a movie is bad when you fall asleep while watching it. And you know it's REALLY bad when you watch it without falling asleep and still don't get it. This below average action film has absolutely nothing that should prompt you to download it. Except the Br at the end, which reminds us of that jolly fella on the BB.
Overall rating: 3/10 Download
Big Boom, The [312 KB]
Vampire on Hunt Preview
Directed by: Nick BR
Released: December 2000
Preview The animation is mostly very simple stuff indeed. Its about a vampire's mission to destroy the evil around him. Why? It doesn't explain. Very simple sound effect's that don't give any kind of atmosphere at all. Some screaming, some way too soft narration. A reasonable though not brilliant MIDI forms the soundtrack. Lacks a "wow factor" so doesn't really want to make you see the movie.
Overall rating: 4/10 Download
Vampire on Hunt Preview [79 KB]