Bongo Adventures 1, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: October 1999
Preview A nice start for a nice, perverted series. The fatass Bongo rides around in Misty City with his car and at the end of the street, he spots the most wonderful hooker in the world (well, in his opinion). The animation is nice, and the music (midi) fits very well. A classic start to this massive series.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 1, The [296 KB]
Bongo Adventures 2, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: November 1999
Preview This is the second movie in the series and something starts to get shape here. This time, it includes no hookers, but two little bastards and a big orange. This time, Tom starts using custom scenery, which is quite simple but it does its job.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 2, The [106 KB]
Bongo Adventures 3, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: November 1999
Preview Fatass Bongo hits the street. This time with a police car - no criminal can get away when Bongo's on duty! Optimal use of default scenery with a good choice of music. The animation isn't bad either. There's only one problem though; its too short!
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 3, The [295 KB]
Bongo Adventures 4, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: November 1999
Preview The story about the childhood of the community's much-loved motherfucker. Tom did a great job with this episode. Poor Bongo receives lots of punches in his face because he is fat. A fairly unimaginative episode, but something every fan should download.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 4, The [237 KB]
Bongo Adventures 5, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: November 1999
Preview Bongo is back to participate in his favorite hobby - raping women. The scenery is sweet, and the animation is the same old Kearns style. A definite watch if you have seen the other Bongo Adventures and enjoyed them.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 5, The [173 KB]
Bongo Adventures 6, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: November 1999
Preview Bongo's antics continue. A pretty non-eventful episode in all. Bongo spends the entire episode moping around, wallowing in his own depression. The music accompanying the movie worked surprisingly well.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 6, The [976 KB]
Bongo Adventures 7, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: December 1999
Preview Yet more hookers. And over-sized willies. And more rejection. Being such a good looking chap, I can't understand his problems really. A super short and pretty poor episode.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 7, The [190 KB]
Bongo Adventures 8, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: December 1999
Preview Yet even more hookers, a bit more rejection and an ever-growing obsession with prostitution. All the ingredients for a cool movie? No. This episode is almost the same as #7, just with good hand-made scenery and subsequently, a better mark.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 8, The [308 KB]
Bongo Adventures 9, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: December 1999
Preview A christmas special for the series, a little late for the season but what the hell - I never got round to adding it until now. The intro has been made a lot shorter making the movie flow a lot, lot better. This episode is shorter and more bizarre than the others and other than impressive custom scenery it's doesn't have that much going for it. Download if you are a true fan to the series.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 9, The [251 KB]
Bongo Adventures 10, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: December 1999
Preview This is one of my favorite movies in the series purely because of its simplicity. It's still rubbish, but the funny and 'explosive' ending did it for me. Very, very short and none of the beautify eye candy usually apparent in the series.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 10, The [154 KB]
Bongo Adventures 11, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: December 1999
Preview Another dramatic episode. More teasing of the fat man, when a prank goes a bit further than expected. As always sweet scenery and precise animation. Erm... There's not a lot more I can really say because of their nature. Fans of the series will love it.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 11, The [531 KB]
Bongo Adventures 12, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: December 1999
Preview Quite a funny Bongo Adventures here, a little long-winded, and the voices were a little hard to hear, but overall I liked it.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 12, The [408 KB]
Bongo Adventures 13, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: January 2000
Preview This episode of Bongo Adventures is somewhat surreal. It starts off with a classic raping scene, and then goes a little strange. It also has some funny scenes from one of Tom's first movies. A recommended watch if you enjoyed the rest of the series.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 13, The [354 KB]
Bongo Adventures 14, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: January 2000
Preview Not a very good Bongo Adventures here, too short and I didn't see a point to it. Possibly one of the worst of the series. Great secret, though.
Overall rating: 4/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 14, The [349 KB]
Bongo Adventures 15, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: January 2000
Preview A very nice episode here, with some of the best scenery in the series so far. The idea was also funny and I liked the end.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 15, The [296 KB]
Bongo Adventures 16, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: January 2000
Preview Nah. This one wasn't very good, it seems like Tom was running out of ideas for this one. Standard hooker-raping, but with a shitty punchline. One of the worst installments in the Bongo Adventure series.
Overall rating: 3/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 16, The [188 KB]
Bongo Adventures 17, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: January 2000
Preview This one also sucks. Very short and doesn't even make much sense. Bongo gets aroused, starts masturbating whilst an old lady watches from outside the window. She then uses a tree branch as a dildo with a horrible side effect. Tom must have had no ideas by this point. Very disappointing.
Overall rating: 3/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 17, The [120 KB]
Bongo Adventures 18, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: February 2000
Preview Once again, Bongo is on the prowl for cheap sex. The prostitute he finds accidently gets killed and ends up sticking to the back of Bongo's car. Top scenery as always - and Bongo's house has yet another outfit. Quite a nasty episode.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 18, The [252 KB]
Bongo Adventures 19, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: February 2000
Preview This episode, Bongo's usual whore is stood up. Bongo is busy on a lonely persons chat room and gets involved in a little cybering. It doesn't even stop him having a good time upon finding out that the woman he is having cyber sex with is an OAP.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 19, The [370 KB]
Bongo Adventures 20, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: February 2000
Preview A mad scientist called Richard is looking for wildlife out in the wilderness when he stumbles across Bongo sleeping rough in a cave. After sedating Bongo, he takes him to his lab for some experimentation. The scientists receptionist ass rapes Bongo, just before Bongo is accidently fried by a laser beam. The end.
Overall rating: 4/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 20, The [277 KB]
Bongo Adventures 21, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: October 2000
Preview Getting the horn yet again, Bongo leave his house to find himself the perfect hooker. Finding one for a good price he invites her over to his. However, all that fat makes Bongo a clumsy fuck and before they even get down to business he ends up killing her by mistake. The series of events which ensue over the next few weeks is too sick to write... Download and find out for yourself. Excellent scenery.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 21, The [156 KB]
Bongo Adventures 22, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: October 2000
Preview A sad tale of events this episode. Bongo has been stuck in a dead end job for the last 20 years and today he got fired. Just when Bongo thought things couldn't get any worse, things take a slightly darker turn. Short (as always), yet very sweet. A good episode actually with some accompanying tear-jerking music.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 22, The [393 KB]
Bongo Adventures 23, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: October 2000
Preview A dark, sinister episode with a rather nasty ending. Bongo treats his date to a quick assault 'n' rape in a back ally before dumping her body in a river leaving her for dead. The past has a nasty habit of catching up with you though and a few years later the woman in question bumps into Bongo... Disturbing yet always amusing - that's the Bongo series for you!
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 23, The [252 KB]
Bongo Adventures 24, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: June 2001
Preview Semi-presented in the style of a silent movie, Bongo's dirty mind gets him in trouble again. This time a nearby gayboy witnesses Bongo's excitement and kindly gives Bongo 'gayness disease'. Limp wrists 'ahoy!
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 24, The [63 KB]
Bongo Adventures 25, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: June 2001
Preview Another hooker rejection pushes Bongo too far this time. He murders the girl who rejected his 'o-so-sexy-self and hides her body in his room under some blankets. It doesn't take long before Bongo starts to get 'off' with her...
Overall rating: 4/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 25, The [204 KB]
Bongo Adventures 26, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: July 2001
Preview Bongo recevies a rather nasty finishing-off this episode *insert funny pun I can't think of right now here*. Very short, disgusting and not a vagina in sight. Review by Will Cheyney.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 26, The [454 KB]
Bongo Adventures 27, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: August 2001
Preview Set way before the other Bongo Adventure movies, this episode takes us back to when Bongo was just a little boy, around the time when he is starting to explore his sexual desires. Bongo is slapped by his mum for looking at porn. Bongo is beaten althrough the night for wanking. Perhaps this explains the 'issues' he has later on in life. Tom's beautiful scenery makes a welcomed comeback this episode. Funn'eh. Review by Will Cheyney.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 27, The [489 KB]
Bongo Adventures 28, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: July 2002
Preview Another half-decent Bongo episode! Bongo's belioved car get trashed when a wreakless driver crashes into him. Heartbroken, Bongo makes it his duty to get the proper revenge he so rightly deserves. Short 'n' sweet, coupled with some beautiful scenery. Review by Will Cheyney.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 28, The [470 KB]
Bongo Adventures 29, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: July 2002
Preview A good, but slightly too drawn-out for my liking... It just wasn't as quickly paced as the other good episodes. Young Bongo's drunk of a father abuses him, forcing him to tidy up the house. Bongo does so, working all night to get it spick-and-span again. When Bongo get's home from school the house is once again in the same state as before. Great scenery, a little slow and not really that funny. Review by Will Cheyney.
Overall rating: 4/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 29, The [461 KB]
Bongo Adventures 30, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: July 2002
Preview Haha! A brilliant Bongo Adventures episode! Tom has taken his gorgeous scenery to the next level here - everything is even more-so stunning to look at than usual. Not only that, but now have moving camera, panning shots and non-midi music! Bongo has been 'clean' for a while now - raping attacks have ceased to exist, but it's just become too much for him to bare... Review by Will Cheyney.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 30, The [665 KB]
Bongo Adventures 31, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: August 2002
Preview Combining the conventions of several Bongo movies here, Tom has managed once again to create a beautiful and funny flick, even after 30 re-visits. This time, teasing kids who get a kick out of egging Bongo's house get their just-desserts. The scenery is awesome - Tom has recreated the pre-rendered Misty City backdrops we all know and love, so everything about this movie is instantly recognisable. You don't even notice the use of midi's in these movies either... Short and sweet - much like the others in the mammoth series. Review by Will Cheyney.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 31, The [290 KB]
Bongo Adventures 32, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: November 2002
Preview Tom upped the drama this episode. 'Filmed' as a non-dialogue movies, the heart-renching rock soundtrack genuinely makes you feel for Bongo. If being a total looser and humiliated for thirty-odd episodes wasn't enough, Bongo has now been robbed of everything he has - included his porn collection. Burglars ransacked his house, leaving him with nothing but a soiled toilet. A nice, well-crafted episode. Review by Will Cheyney.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 32, The [796 KB]
Bongo Adventures 33, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: September 2004
Preview Suffering from an anger management problem, today the stress of life just becomes too much for Bongo to stand. Everyone seems to have something against him, and he sets about to get his revenge. As always, everything is beautiful to look at and Tom has created some of the best looking gore effects I have ever seem. There was something about this episode though - something minor I can't really put my finger on - something that just didn't make this movie 'work' as well as some of the previous installments in the series. Still, a great little watch. Review by Will Cheyney.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 33, The [745 KB]
Bongo Adventures 34, The
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: October 2004
Preview An extremely good episode. Tom's attention to detail is commendable. It is obvious that everything has been considered - the composition and look of some of the scenes is nothing short of beautiful. All objects cast their own shadows, colours change depending on the time of day and the subtle decomposing effect at the end of the movie was great. It's brilliance such as this which have made this series so unique and watchable - your eye never gets bored. This episode was a lot longer than any of the others so far, and *gasp*, plot driven. Bongo run's into a small fortune when his Tardis-like car breaks down. Using his newly acquired finances, he opens up a candle shop to make his millions only to be shunned by a couple of bums. Excellent stuff. Review by Will Cheyney.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Bongo Adventures 34, The [963 KB]
Directed by: Tom Kearns
Released: July 2002
Preview This is a very short, but beautiful drama from the perfectionist Tom Kearns. Purposely 'filmed' in black and white - except for the character and blood. It is a filming technique that I am really into. The attention to detail in the scenery stunning - the best. It was nominated for 'Best Scenery' in the awards. The music really adds to the atmosphere. If only Tom had developed it more, because it seriously is very short lived. It starts, then it ends, then you cry.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Color [402 KB]