Last update: Tuesday 14th May 2024
Wow. It's been 6,603 days since I last updated this place. You may have noticed that the site has been somewhat broken for the past few months. My host changed servers and deprecated whatever ancient version of PHP I was using causing a connection failure to the sites MySQL database. Unfortunately this isn’t an update to include any new content, just a backend overhaul to keep this site accessedle as an early 2000’s internet time capsule. I miss that internet. See you in another 18 years...
Sunday 16th April 2006

Don't panic!

No the site isn't dead - it's just been in a state of "hibernation" for the winter! Sorry it's been so long! In actual fact, the site hasn't been updated because I have been planning/working on an all new version of the site to make it even better!
Travis is very kindly giving me a helping hand with some of the wizardry that is taking place, but is very busy at the moment with all his college work etc. So, he's working on certain things when he can!
No real update today, but watch this space. 3dmm Studio version 6 will arrive soon.
Thursday 29th December 2005
OK, so I was planning on updating on the 25th, but due to catching the whole seasonal laziness... "thing", I didn't! I was also hoping to have a few more reviews done in time, but I guess the rest of the team has caught the same thing.
Speaking of which, the 3dmm Studio review team has had a little re-shuffle. A couple of our members have "retired", meaning that a couple of fresh faces have been recruited. I would like to warmly welcome both Kayl and Jonny Anson of the 3dmm community to the site. Check out the about section of the site for more information.
Enjoy the update so far, and expect a couple more movies discretely added in the next few days. I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas, and have a good New Year!
Friday 9th December 2005
Well no movies yet, but I just couldn't wait any longer to put this Christmas holiday design up! I hope you like it. Many of you veterans may notice the menus homage to's Christmas updates.
Not to worry though, I shall be updating with some actual content very soon. Andrew has been busy on a batch for some time now, but his finals have been getting his priority. I will also be review some long-overdue movies over the next couple of days. If anyone wants to get something added to the site, now is the time to send it in!
The 3dmm Winter Film Festival is due to start sometime soon, and as always, you will enjoy daily 3dmm Studio updates.
Monday 31st October 2005
Velcome... Please, please; come in and make yourself comfortable. It's Halloween, and so once again, in true style, I've put together this special seasonal update.
I've added a few older movies today - a couple of classics are included too. I'm writing this a little early, and as of yet the 2005 Fright Fest has yet to commence.
UPDATE: I've just added the 2005 Fight Festival movies! Be sure to check them out!
I hope you all enjoy the temporary design I have put together - I'm fairly pleased with its clichéness.
Enjoy the movies and your Halloween!
Monday 26th September 2005
Well, I promised an extra two Film Festival movies last update, but neither have yet materialised. I had kind of been keeping updated back in the hope that the final movie were still yet to come. However, I think we can safely say that the 2005 Summer Film Festival is now officially over. And what a collection of movies! We had some brilliant stuff released!
Today's update is actually a bit of a mile stone in 3dmm Studio's history. This update see's the addition of 3dmm Studio's 1000th movie! That's right, since May 2001, 3dmm Studio has reviewed and rated over 1000 movies - quite a feat I think you will agree. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this in anyway - that includes staff (most importantly!) and all directors (for giving us something to do!). The actual 1000th movie to pass through the 3dmm Studio gates was 'NUTS 3 (unfinished)' - my tribute to the now retired godfather of 3dmm, Redwampa. May he rest in peace.
Keep up the good work everyone, and here's to the next one-thousand movies!
Wednesday 24th August 2005
The 2005 Summer Film Festival day 14(ish).
After taking a small break to give directors a little more time on their movies, the Film Festival continues. I believe that there are a further two releases left, one being Aaron Haynes 'Vlarion 1' remake and another surprise release from an unknown director.
Before that though, you have today's superb 'Derelict' from Mousenator. This one-hour space exploration epic has been in the works for quite some time now, and it looks as though all the hard work has paid off. Be sure to download it from the new movies section. Now. See you tomorrow
Saturday 20th August 2005
The 2005 Summer Film Festival day 13.
By the count of things, there can only be a couple of movies left unreleased that were due for this Film Festival and those are Aaron's 'Vlarion' and Mousenator's 'Derelict'. I'm not even sure if either of them are actually complete yet either. Time will tell!
Today's film release is from our very own Richard Bevis. It is a compilation of trailers for his upcoming movie releases. Download the movie from the new movies section and watch this space for the final movies!
Friday 19th August 2005
The 2005 Summer Film Festival day 12.
After a couple of dodgy releases, it seems as though things are getting back on track. Today's movie is a surprise release from Jaymond - something you know is going to be hilarious before you've even started watching it. Read the review and download the movie from the new movies section.
Thursday 18th August 2005
The 2005 Summer Film Festival day 11.
Another disappointing release today, but then again I wasn't surprised when I saw that Diabolic was the director. Thanks goes to Richard Bevis who promptly wrote the review for the site. His verdict can, as usual, be found in the new movies section.
Wednesday 17th August 2005
The 2005 Summer Film Festival day 10.
Yet another Dave Smith release today, adding another figure to his now-absolutly HUGE release list. However, like a lot of his work, you either love it or hate it. Have a look in the new movies section to see what Andrew thought of 'A Night at Spike's House'.
Tuesday 16th August 2005
The 2005 Summer Film Festival day 9.
Today's Film Festival submission is a Warren Wager short. Entitled 'Protest', the movie is set in a prison cell where rapists and protesters are kept amonst the same ranks. Check out the new movies for more information.
Lastly, I'd like to apologise to Klaymen for not putting a review of 3dmm Evil Episode 6 up yet. I shall see to it that one is put up sometime today!
Monday 15th August 2005
The 2005 Summer Film Festival day 8.
The sixth episode of the popular series is here. After a slightly dodgy start to the series, things started to pick up by episode 4. Then there was episode 5... A self-confessed pile of poo. Check out our verdict to see if Klaymen has put things back on track.
Thank you to all those people sending in their comments of phrase! We all really appreciate it.
Sunday 14th August 2005
The 2005 Summer Film Festival day 7.
That's one whole week of the Film Festival now - 7 days of great 3dmm action and there is still plenty more to come, with upcoming releases from Aaron Haynes, Mousenator and Andres Borg.
Today's movie is short from the director with an-ever growing number of titles under his belt, Jeremy Dick. What else can I say? Download for a quick giggle.
Saturday 13th August 2005
The 2005 Summer Film Festival day 6.
So far, pretty much every release has been a hit amongst everyone - admitedly, the 'Italian Day' movies weren't to everyones tastes, but on the large, we have had an excellent, diverse range of affairs. Today's movie release is the pilot episode for the dubious '3dmm Hotel' series by Ben Rice, Tom Bown and Pogo. It's idea striked doubt on the Bulletin Board back when Ben et all proposed the series. Head on over to the new movies section now to get the low-down.
Friday 12th August 2005
The 2005 Summer Film Festival day 5.
Well, the Film Festival got off to a flying start, and there seems to be no signs of the quality slowing down anytime soon. Our very own Andrew Salter is the man behind today's movie release, 'Echondria: Prologue'. I test viewed it a few weeks ago now, so Andrew has had plenty of time to iron out the creases in this promising movie; It's been 10 years, and it's time for the treaty between the Humans and the Others to be re-ratified. A lone ambassador is dispatched to the Other's homeworld to get it signed...
Thursday 11th August 2005
The 2005 Summer Film Festival day 4.
Today see's a double movie release in celebration of 'Italian Day'. Yep, both movies are from's only two Italian directors; Aniello Manco (Shadow the Hedgehog) and Antonio Tortorelli (Shadow's cousin). It's a shame Shadow's long-awaited 'Talibans' didn't quite make it for the Film Festival.
Special thanks to Tom Bown for his prompt reviewing! I'll add more reviews as and when I get them.
Wednesday 10th August 2005
The 2005 Summer Film Festival day 3.
Today's movie is the hightly anticipated, and extremely brilliant 'Mean Bread's Totally Bitchin' Adventure' by Russ Stepan and Demented Ferret. A piece of flying talking toast with an attitude problem sets off on an adventure to find true happiness.
Thanks to all my review staff who are doing an awesome job so far!
Tuesday 9th August 2005
The 2005 Summer Film Festival day 2.
Today's release is Denny Betterman and Daniel Martin's '5dmm'; a very long, very awesome chain movie from two demented guys with very short attention spans.
I have also gradually been adding additional reviews for 'Desert Eagle' written by other members of our review panel. Thanks guys!
Monday 8th August 2005
And so today marks the beggining of the 2005 Summer Film Festival.
Digital Taco has literally just unleached today's movie upon the 3dmm'ing community and already we have it reviewed and on the site! Today's movie is Kyle Magocs 'Desert Eagle' - a nifty little short which I recommend to everyone.
A great start to the Film Festival - here's to the rest of it!