Directed by: Andres Da La Hoz
Released: December 1999
Preview It is hard to find a good 3D movie maker horror film these days, so I always enjoy looking back at some of the older ones. To me, the one film that comes to mind when I think of 3dmm horror is Andres De La Hoz's "Asylum". Craig is a serial killer who has been sentenced to an Asylum located on the outskirts of the city due to alleged mental insanity. However, it's not long after Craig is at the Asylum when all-Hell begins to break loose... literally! Unfournatley, Craig and the people within the Asylum won't just have to worry about just saving their lives, but trying to maintain what's left of their sanity as Hell begins to merge with the Asylum. The story is different from your other typical nearly plot-less blood and guts 3dmm flicks; there is a lot of well plotted suspense and dynamics between the characters, and also is one of the few 3dmm films to have evil (in this case, the serial killer Craig) confront an unearthly evil. At times I wish alot more could've been done with the story, but even so, the story itself is pretty darn good. Since this is an old 3dmm film, there is alot of old animation and style techniques evident throughout the film. However, Asylum is one of the many 3dmm movies which used new techniques which at the time were considered a breakthrough in 3dmm creation. So even though the film is dated, it still has a bit of shine to it. The sound effects includes scary unearthly sounds and suspenseful music, which really add to the suspense factor in this film. Although the same can't really be said for the voices which I feel were a bit rugged considering the small amount of voice actors providing voices for the movie. All-in-all, "Asylum" is one of the few films which can truly be considered a true '3dmm horror'. Of course, since so much more could've been done with this film I felt something was missing to really consider this film a perfect one. That feeling still stays with me and may haunt me for a while. But who knows, maybe this film might leave you thinking differently. "Asylum" may have its flaws, but to me this is what 3dmm horror films ought to accomplish. Review by Jonny Anson.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Asylum [3.19 MB]
Baked Goods: Unseen Collection
Directed by: Brad Ross
Released: June 2005
Preview Brad Ross is known as the creator of many films. Some great, some bad. Even so, his "Baked Goods" movies are one of the major factors that have made Brad such a popular director. But in making movies, some things just don't make it or are cut from the final film before its release. This special collection released by Brad Ross himself is filled with never before seen clips from his Baked Goods movies. The collection itself contains an unfinished version of the special Baked Good's/Shit Movie Showcase crossover, unused skits, sounds, and other little tidbits. All of these make the collection a mixed bag, some of the content is good, while others are bad. However, there is a high chance you may find something you may enjoy. This collection like I said is a mixed bag, but if you want to take a behind to scenes look at what happened to the things that never officially became a part of the "Baked Goods" movies, I suggest you take a look. Review by Jonny Anson.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Baked Goods: Unseen Collection [8.20 MB]
Bin's Bintastic Adventure, The
Directed by: Leigh McDonald
Released: July 1999
Preview The whole idea of a strangely shaped little thing going around causing random acts of mischief is just plain... silly. The whole idea of making a movie from this idea is... silly. So what do you think the film itself will end up being? You got me there. "The Bin's Bintastic Adventure" is an old 3D movie which does have alot of old 3D movie making techniques making it dated, but it has its funny moments now and then. However, since it doesn't really seem to have a real story, its random silliness is what saves it from just being a poorly made film. Review by Jonny Anson.
Overall rating: 4/10 Download
Bin's Bintastic Adventure, The [864 KB]
Bin's Revenge, The
Directed by: Leigh McDonald
Released: July 1999
Preview Four kids find a flying saucer crashed while exploring. It isn't until one of the kids foolishly goes back to explore the inside that it's revealed that the Bin intends not to cause mischief this time, but destruction. Unlike the last movie featuring the Bin, the animation is very much improved. However, unlike the last film, this one seems to focus on a more precise style of humor rather than a random one. And this time, there is a story. But this film does have it's share of flaws like some characters in this movie don't have voice actors but uses text boxes instead, custom scenes tend to lack certain elements to make it feel complete, and the animation tends to be a bit choppy at times. Even so, the film is a vast improvement over the last. Though this film isn't perfect, it still turns out to be a better and more humorous sequel. Review by Jonny Anson.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Bin's Revenge, The [2.27 MB]
Bozo's on the Run
Directed by: Colin Huges
Released: April 2005
Preview Nineteen ninety eight. The year of Euro cheques, Monica Lewinski and Bozos on the Run. The date should tell you all you need to know. With a difficult plot to gauge as most of the voice acting is incomprehensible (I did get one line about crops), the film seems to have been about good guys, bad guys, space ships, hot air balloons, the CIA and evil robots. Default scenery abounds, with the notable exception of a lush green sphere at one point, but the animation is decent and unobjectionable. The movie treats us to a 'best of film midis' selection, with Final Fantasy VII given a cameo role. However, the actual volume of the music makes it impossible to make out the breathy voice acting. Don't bother, unless for sheer nostalgia value. Review by Kayl.
Overall rating: 4/10 Download
Bozo's on the Run [601 KB]
Campout Clips
Directed by: Brad Ross
Released: October 2000
Preview Two clips about... something, I'm not sure what. Either way there is an apparent lack of story or explanation as to what is going - except dogs being roasted, a gay romp through a field of flowers, and a bunch of other weird stuff. The animation in these clips is pretty good, but that still doesn't save these clips from their own weird stupidness. Review by Jonny Anson.
Overall rating: 2/10 Download
Campout Clips [1.02 MB]
Directed by: Brad Ross
Released: December 1999
Preview One of Brad Ross' first films which features a squad of police officers running around, shooting bad guys, and getting shot at... which is pretty much what this film is all about. That and some evil Hindu. The film's basic style includes old animation techniques, and has default scenery being used in just about every part of the film - in fact, the only custom scenery I saw was a "jail cell" with a black background! On a side note, I did find the theme song a bit funky, but even so, the film is pretty bad overall. But if you want to see Brad Ross' 3dmm-roots, you might want to give this film a watch; I mean it's not a crime to do so. Review by Jonny Anson.
Overall rating: 2/10 Download
Cops [2.12 MB]
Dog Shit
Directed by: Brad Ross
Released: July 2000
Preview An old film from Brad Ross here which shows that even though you can gloat about not stepping in dog poo, it's proving you didn't that makes things a bit crazy. Although the film's looks are pretty basic, it's the way the movie turned out that made me laugh. So this just goes to show that even though the film itself might look pretty bad, it's one of those of films that really makes you laugh at sheer stupidity. Review by Jonny Anson.
Overall rating: 4/10 Download
Dog Shit [149 KB]
Domicile Destructo's Nightmare
Directed by: Apfigur
Released: May 2005
Preview It's odd to think that Swedes use programs hosted by blue Scots with pointy noses. Maybe they don't. Maybe Apfigur's copy of 3dmm is hosted by a husky blonde. Whatever the reason, he was drawn to make this small gem. Domicile Destructo has a nightmare. That's as much as I can give you without giving anything away. The brief story is enjoyably told, with scenes flashing by quickly, giving it a music video feel. The piece is well animated with smooth graphics and a sound track from The Mars Volta. The only qualm is the use of text boxes, but in a way they add to the charm. Actual vocals or, indeed, any sound outside of the music would change the movie's feel. A well constructed short, not to be missed! Review by Kayl.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Domicile Destructo's Nightmare [328 KB]
Dylan's Forgotten Fate
Directed by: Ben Rice
Released: December 2005
Preview "Dylan's Forgotten Fate" takes place before the events of Ben's major release this year, "The Handmade Character", telling of the fate of Dylan, the main character from "The Handmade Character". The film itself showcases some incredible animation and a story which may remind alot of viewers of "Redux". If you're a fan of Ben Rice's work, or want to continue watching the story of "The Handmade Character" unfold, I suggest you watch this film. Review by Jonny Anson.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Dylan's Forgotten Fate [1.90 MB]
Incredible Adventures of..., The
Directed by: Rick Trimble
Released: December 2004
Preview James bond loses his sense of reality, a demon couple goes to Doraemon land, and a guy goes around saying random things. Where could this all have started? From the twisted mind of Rick Trimble! Using the advances v3dmm has to offer, Rick has once again shown the community how twisted he is by creating a movie consisting of complete silliness and things you thought you might never see in a 3dmm movie. I must be as twisted as Rick because I was laughing throughout this movie. My only regret about this movie is that it seems to end all too soon when the fun was really beginning. But then again, there's always a good chance Rick might bless us all by making a sequel. Right Rick? Review by Jonny Anson.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Incredible Adventures of..., The [5.86 MB]
Lord of the Flies (unfinished)
Directed by: Andres Da La Hoz
Released: January 2003
Preview It speaks eloquently about Andres' undisputed talent that his unfinished attempt at William Golding's immortal Lord of the Flies would have easily worked as a self-contained featurette if he?d decided to wrap it up even earlier than he did, with the foreknowledge of what was to come looming in the minds of those who?ve read the book and the satisfaction of an enjoyable short in those who haven?t. It?s a pity, therefore, to have to consider it for what it could have been rather than what it is. As it is, the story takes us from Ralph and Piggy's first meeting on the deserted island through to the beginning of the leadership vote around the symbolic conch shell and its rock pool. As a film opening, the hook is omni-present and the speed of events is paced well enough to stop boredom sinking in, as is a danger with adapting any book, let alone such an untouchable one as this. Andres tells his story through picture and sound far more effectively than through the sketchy dialogue he's included. The overall sense is one of beautiful, yet claustrophobic remoteness, with the plot almost getting in the way. The little dialogue that's included in text boxes at the screen's bottom is far from polished and one can't help but feel that the film would work much better if it did without any at all. My fear is that had the dialogue actually been recorded, there would be very little that could be done to have it live up to the overall feeling of the feature, no matter how polished it may have eventually turned out. Luscious graphics are aplenty and animation is, as expected, smooth. The main joy of this film, however, lies in its soundscape, or it does until it unfortunately cuts out near the end. The untouched feeling of the island is conveyed through a cacophony of jungle noises, to eventually lead in to a captivating musical score. The sweaty overbearing atmosphere of the island is everywhere, enclosing the viewer in a stifling grip. Despite it's sad lack of ending, early or otherwise, this remains a great and hugely re-watchable little movie. Review by Kayl.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Lord of the Flies (unfinished) [1.62 MB]
Mr. Cool
Directed by: Brad Ross
Released: February 1999
Preview This film is pretty much about a guy named "Mr. Cool" who goes about killing aliens along with his sidekick robot who can change into a baby. The animation is pretty bad, there's no real story, a major usage of default scenery and badly created custom scenery - in fact, there's no end to what contributes to this films poor overall rating. All in all, there isn't really anything "cool" about this movie. Review by Jonny Anson.
Overall rating: 2/10 Download
Mr. Cool [1.02 MB]
Who's the Director Anyway? 6
Directed by: Mike Belfance, Justin Wawrzonek
Released: October 2000
Preview One of the most clever ideas for a 3D movie composed has got to be for the "Who's the Director Anyway?" series. However, when creators Justin Wawrzonek and Michael Belfance have a go, things begin to get crazy. In this episode of "Who's the Director Anyway?", Duke Nukem, the Power Rangers, The Mask, and Zombies guest star as part of the scenes made by the directors. Don't expect any drama here, each scene ensures some laugh guarantee, even if it's a small giggle or a chuckle for that matter. Sure there's no story, and the style of the film is pretty basic, these are dismissable since you may be laughing so hard to actually notice this. I should know this because I was laughing my guts out. If you want to download a part of one of the best ideas for a 3D movie series, I recommend downloading this and see what you think. I've got to go put my guts back in their right places now. Review by Jonny Anson.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Who's the Director Anyway? 6 [1.76 MB]
Who's the Director Anyway? 7
Directed by: Mike Belfance, Justin Wawrzonek
Released: March 2001
Preview As always, there's no story, just more hilarity. The style of the film is still pretty much the way it was like in the last episode, but it's slightly better this time around. Though the only complaint I seemed to have with this aspect of the film was poorly dubbed aliens. Even so, if you feel up to another round of watching the next chapter in a series which has warped American humor, you should try giving this a look. Review by Jonny Anson.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Who's the Director Anyway? 7 [2.51 MB]
Who's the Director Anyway? 8
Directed by: Mike Belfance, Justin Wawrzonek
Released: August 2000
Preview It's amazing that I'm still laughing even after calming myself down after watching the last episode. Just part of the magic of this series I suppose. Well, believe it or not, this series so far still lacks a real story, and has a dated movie style, but we can look past these and look forward to the inclusion of another few minutes of silliness provided by Mike and Justin. Review by Jonny Anson.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Who's the Director Anyway? 8 [2.51 MB]