Directed by: DataBlasterXR, Anders Borg
Released: June 2003
Preview The second in the Film Festival's PAMdemonium titles. In short, I think this movie sucked. I honestly wasn't expecting a lot from it when I learnt who it had been directed by but I tried to reserve judgment. However, it was bad; an inferior clone of DD with poor animation, rubbish jokes, unnecessary camera movements, and even taking into account that it was a PAM, a horrible plot. Perhaps download just so that you keep in with the Film Festival spirit.
Overall rating: 2/10 Download
Adrenaline [2.43 MB]
Anders Borgs Final Round
Directed by: Anders Borg
Released: May 2005
Preview This for the final round of the animation tounament, however, something went wrong so Anders decided to release his final entry by itself. Anyway, I'm pretty sure this entry would have won, it's amazing! Anders has shown us the best animating in his Rayman character yet and easily shows the his Rayman movie will be pure gold. Rayman is angry at Tom Bown and Skitch for their entries into previous animation rounds and decides to pay them a visit. However, a slight air accident turns this animation into a wacky adventure full of vengence, murder and skating and space. This definitely proves that Anders is one of the most talented animators in the community at the moment. Backed up by great scenery excellently chosen voices, it is safe yo say Rayman's real big movie debut is going to be brilliant. It's a shame the entire final round of the tournament wasn't completed by all participants but never the less, this is an awesome consolation prize! Great job Anders. Review by Ben Rice.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Anders Borgs Final Round [3.19 MB]
Metal Gear Solid: The Operaton Brother Trailer
Directed by: Anders Borg, Darren Palumbo
Released: April 2004
Preview I love this trailer. Some amazing scenery, and I love Anders' rain. The plot also looks like it could be interesting, although video game adaptions aren't a great idea, and Anders does a lot of them. Still, the movie looks like it could be great and I await i
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Metal Gear Solid: The Operaton Brother Trailer [314 KB]
Rayman Teaser
Directed by: Anders Borg
Released: September 2003
Preview A pretty nice little teaser based around the limbless videogame character 'Rayman' this looks as if it's shaping up to be something worth looking out for. There's some neat scenery and the handmade characters were incredibly accurate. It was all over a little too soon though... perhaps Anders should have 'beefed' it out a bit before releasing it. Watch this space.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Rayman Teaser [632 KB]
Directed by: Anders Borg
Released: August 2004
Preview An okay little short, and it does the job, although i'd say the story was something we've seen alot of before, with a few things left up in the air (which didn't work for me, if they were meant to). Anyway, the first thing I noticed with this movie was the smart use of new textures. They didn't feel out of place at all, and felt rather in place with the characters, as in some movies I see people going overboard with them and making it look stupid. But Anders managed to make 3dmm look just that little bit better. Now, the whole 'slow fade from black to white' was used way too much. It felt that every other scene had that after it, in the future try to find different ways to go into scenes (yeah I know 3dmm has it's limitations). Musically, I liked all of it (C'mon, you used Silent Hill), except I felt the last track didn't really fit with the rest of the movies soundtrack. It just felt out of place. Another musical thing to mention, as the music just cut off like that, it really killed the feel of the movie. Even fading it out would've been better, and well, it's not that hard a thing to do. One thing I should mention is that angle when he's coming home and coming up the stairs. I thought that angle was great. Good job. Also the effects used when he comes into the room were all good too. And I for one thought the tears were done well, as I usually think doing tears in a 3dmm movie is pointless (look at Shit Happens, it made the final monologue look retarded with big blue spheres dropping from his eyeballs). Lastly, I thought the '7 years later' bit wasn't needed. You should have ended the film before that. All in all a nice little short, but the atmosphere was killed so many times by the lack of decent music editing.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Retaliation [4.36 MB]
Story of Heroes Teaser, A
Directed by: Darth Cha, Anders Borg
Released: July 2003
Preview I've been meaning to add the trailers to this movie for some time now, because they are actually pretty decent. It is based on and around the time of World War II. There is some nice scenery in this movie (which could be polished a little further) and the Gladiator soundtrack worked well. Some of the planes look fantastic, mind. A good effort and certainly one to keep an eye on.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Story of Heroes Teaser, A [678 KB]
Story of Heroes Trailer, A
Directed by: Darth Cha, Anders Borg
Released: April 2003
Preview With Fredrick Arnoy still failing to release 'War Is Hell', the prospect of perhaps another World War II movie in the meantime is never a bad thing. Unfortunately this trailer isn't really any more revealing than the teaser. I guess you could call this more of the same - slightly plain and dodgy scenery with cool airplanes!
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Story of Heroes Trailer, A [2.23 MB]
Story of Heroes Trailer 2, A
Directed by: Darth Cha, Anders Borg
Released: August 2003
Preview This is more like it! Something worthy of being called a trailer in terms of quality and length. Still, I can't really determine any big plot details so I'm starting to think that the storyline will be a bit thin on the ground when it is actually released. Not much else to say really. Here's my prediction of the final article: it's not a bad attempt, but really nothing to write home about. Nevertheless, it will certainly be watchable.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Story of Heroes Trailer 2, A [1.76 MB]