Backyard Cemetery
Directed by: Andrew Murphy
Released: August 2000
Preview Very few 3dmm horror movies are actually scary but Andrew has done a very good job with this one. It's about a couple that moves into a house and are stalked by a psycho killer. There's only a couple of faults though that lessen the movie: the first is that it is too short, arghhh! Great concept but over wayyy too quickly. The second is that there isn't much use of scary music to set the atmosphere; you know, hair rising up on the back of your neck, arms breaking out in goosebumps and your palms turning all sweaty. But apart from this, it's quite a good horror.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Backyard Cemetery [2.84 MB]
Backyard Cemetery 2
Directed by: Andrew Murphy
Released: August 2000
Preview This one I thought was actually scarier - I don't know if there was a competition between Andrew and David to see who could make the scarier movie but if there was, I think David won... reason is, this sequel has the scary music which the original lacked. I still think it was over way too quickly though but maybe that's because I liked the storyline better. In any case, the haunted house from the original movie is reopened as a Halloween attraction; and a mysterious woman is around as well. I thought the voices were generally good and the dialogue right on the mark from what I saw.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Backyard Cemetery 2 [5.92 MB]
Darkness Within
Directed by: Dave Smith, Andrew Murphy
Released: June 2001
Preview Well I wasn't too impressed. I think this is the worst of the trilogy. The scenery was still very good and the overall look of the film was pleasing. However, the voice acting was sub-standard and the plot was luke-warm. Aside the dodgy erotic scenes, cheap voicing and lacking plot,. this wasn't a complete bomb, it had its good points. Download for a structured crime drama with some flaws. Review by Richard Bevis.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Darkness Within [9.02 MB]
Darkness Within 2
Directed by: Dave Smith, Andrew Murphy
Released: April 2002
Preview Well now I kinda enjoyed this movie! I became deeply involved with the characters and their lifestyles rotating around an epic storyline and decent scenery. I loved the way this movie was made, the feel it had to it, however I was slightly confused by the introduction. Nevertheless it was a strong action, crime drama. Review by Richard Bevis.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Darkness Within 2 [5.44 MB]
Darkness Within 3
Directed by: Andrew Murphy, Dave Smith
Released: May 2005
Preview Hmm I didn't enjoy this as much as the 2nd 'Darkness Within.' It seemed like it was made simply as a sequel, forced to be made, it didn't have the same feel as the 2nd. The voice acting remains very good and the plot still as twisted but the scenery has gone downhill slightly, and it didn't have that 'Darkness Within' involvement. Still in saying that it was pretty good and is a reasonable sequel to this action, crime drama series. Review by Richard Bevis.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Darkness Within 3 [5.67 MB]
Directed by: Andrew Murphy, Dave Smith
Released: November 1999
Preview Dear gawd this was boring. No story at all and an overuse of premade 3DMM scenes. It just goes on and on with mindless, boring dialogue. The main character's consistent noise became very annoying eventually. Parts of 'Gleason' are funny but hardly worth downloading.
Overall rating: 2/10 Download
Gleason [3.07 MB]
Gleason 2
Directed by: Andrew Murphy, Dave Smith
Released: June 2001
Preview Well, I had to push myself to watch all of this! and at times it was weird, at times it went too long and well I'm guessing it's picking on a person that the directors know so it isn't as entertaining to us, I actually didn't like the movie one bit, sorry guys, I'm sure if you attempted a serious movie maybe it would be better, the animation was poor and well, yeah.
Overall rating: 2/10 Download
Gleason 2 [3.90 MB]
Man on the Edge
Directed by: Dave Smith, Andrew Murphy
Released: November 2004
Preview Dave Smith brings us another very dark film about teenagers attending a juvenile school. The dialogue in this film has it's ups and downs, and the voice acting is the same way. At times, good, at other times, brutally bad. Characters are quite original, and I think this is what will keep your interest. The animation and scenery are brutally bad, even for the time this movie was made. Only watch this movie if you liked other Dave Smith films.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Man on the Edge [6.00 MB]
Simulated Evil
Directed by: Dave Smith, Andrew Murphy
Released: February 2003
Preview Quite an enjoyable watch. It starts off being a bit bizarre, but stick with it and all will become clear. The music fitted very well, although in places it was slightly too heavy. The scenery is more than adequate most of the time, the voice acting is very good, and the blood and gore effects are excellent. It's good to see Dave back.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Simulated Evil [6.49 MB]
Directed by: Dave Smith, Andrew Murphy
Released: August 2000
Preview A spin-off episode of Gleason. Just as bad too. Bad animation, premade scenes, boring dialogue and very repetitive.
Overall rating: 2/10 Download
Wasted [2.96 MB]
Watchtower Documentary, The
Directed by: Andrew Murphy
Released: November 2000
Preview This is a documentary about the watchtower in a previous movie of Andrew's. It starts out talking to a couple of local residents. That is fairly boring to watch really. We then get taken through a few interior scenes of the watchtower where tortures and the like took place. The scenes look gritty and horrible but watching a still scene just isn't all that entertaining I'm afraid. The narration tries to give a moody feel and it almost works but you can't quite take a documentary seriously in 3dmm particularly one of this nature. When it shifts to video and picture archives, we do see some stuff that picks up the tension a bit but this is only for a small part of the movie. Andrew should have gone with extending this sequence even though the content matter may offend some virgin eyes, as Jeff Ching would say. A cameo by Tuna Hematoma at the end helps the movie but Tuna seems unusually flat in his performance for once. After this hodge-podge then of uninteresting interviews, slideshows and ultra-short animation sequences of some horrible acts, the viewer is left feeling cheated. Much like The Blair Witch Project, the draw-card of the mock-umentary format - in this case, the terrible deeds conducted in the tower - are never witnessed to any great extent. There was a mood there, sure, but this was ultimately somewhat disappointing. If you liked 'The Watchtower' or are looking for something a bit different from Andrew Murphy this movie is probably a change. If you want to be entertained, this may do it to some degree but you won't be cheering in the aisles or talking about it in the car on the way home, kiddies. Not to say that it is a terrible movie - but if it hadn't had the problems mentioned above or at least compensated for them, it would be a lot better movie.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Watchtower Documentary, The [4.44 MB]