All I Do
Directed by: Ben Williams
Released: October 2000
Preview If I've said it a thousand times, I'll say it again. Drama in 3dmm is hard. Rock hard to pull off. They are either really slow, confusing or predictable. Personally and being a fan of Ben Williams' work, I think Ben has done a fantastic job this time round, telling the story of a twisted individuals thoughts and actions. The dramatic music fits well, as does the moody scenery. The narrative speech is perhaps a little bizarre but works well enough. A highly enjoyable watch with a nice twist to end. EDIT:You may have seen the live action version by now. Ben recently filmed a real-life rendition of this very 3dmm movie.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
All I Do [1.44 MB]
Directed by: Ben Williams
Released: August 2001
Preview I'm a great fan of all Ben Williams' work - he is one of my favorite directors, and so when he announced on the BB that he was going to make and release a movie in 4 days, I got quite exited. 4 whole days I waited, when finally, just before Ben jetted off to America for his summer holidays, he released it. And, as usual, it was great (could we really expect anything less from Ben?!) The story line was neat, and accompanying sounds and music worked perfectly. Animation was again, good, and scenery was nicely detailed. People complaining about there being no good new movies around, are very much mistaken. This is great. Download now. Oh, and there is also a little 'bonus' movie included as a separate movie.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Apology [1.91 MB]
Before We Go Charging Into War
Directed by: Ben Williams
Released: September 2001
Preview Quite a brilliant idea here. It
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Before We Go Charging Into War [729 KB]
Directed by: Ben Williams
Released: January 2003
Preview This is a strange movie...It's a good thing Ben told us what it's supposed to be about, or I probably wouldn't have understood any of it. Frankly, I still don't. It's a movie about death, and the whole thing is kind of abstract - that fits the movie well and gives a sense of feeling that not many people can create in 3dmm. Ben himself admits that's it not the most marvelous movie as far effects, but It gets the point across, and is a worthwhile download.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Decay [1.42 MB]
Directed by: Ben Williams
Released: March 2001
Preview I have come to love all of Ben Williams' films. Everyone of them are stunning - and this one is no exception. This is Ben Williams' 5th movie, and has the same look and feel to his others, which is by no means bad. Technically, the movie is great. With great scenery, music, sfx, camera movement and angles, the movie becomes instantly pleasing. The movie has quite a nice storyline too, and after a few minutes of watching, you really feel 'involved' with the characters and the plot - a classic sign of a well crafted movie. The storyline could have been developed more perhaps, but this doesn't stop me from highly recommending this movie. A definite download.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Discontented [3.92 MB]
Erasing the Permanent Teaser
Directed by: Ben Williams
Released: August 2001
Preview Titled a teaser, and a teaser it is. It gives minimal plot details away, but the continual hinting at some contraption, which if used unwisely, the results could be catastrophic, intrigues us enough to want to know what the 'thing' is. A very hard movie to rate, as it is just a teaser. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THIS MOVIE IS ABOUT! Download, and I'm sure you'll feel the same way, and look out for the movie when it is released later on this year
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Erasing the Permanent Teaser [526 KB]
Mental Cases
Directed by: Ben Williams
Released: November 2000
Preview Very moody and effectively directed drama inspired from a Wilfred Owen poem. The poem is displayed at the start and then a narrator speaks it throughout the film which is set in 1916 at the Battle of the Somme. It is about the futility of war and what it does to those who fight in it. The narration was powerfully voiced and the direction slick. The only thing that could have been done to make it better was not display the poem at the start, really. A very in-depth view into war (and into a soldier's head). Ben's latest movie contains a great story, animation and also has to be the most 'real movie-like' 3DMM movie I've seen. Final Verdict: Straightforwardly brilliant.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Mental Cases [1.06 MB]
You Only Live Thrice
Directed by: Ben Williams
Released: September 2000
Preview The long awaited James Bond movie is here and it's tremendous. Sadly it's only the first part but is full of great action which captures the classic 007 feel. It even has a beautiful sidekick and opening music, heh. Looking forward to the rest. Almost everything about this film is A+ material. Animation, acting, scenes, all of it is good. Story could have been slightly improved, I say. At times, things moved a little too fast. Nevertheless, you shall download this movie...nnn-now.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
You Only Live Thrice [5.38 MB]