Pimp Lando 1
Directed by: Casey Wayman, Billy Grant, Jeff Parkes
Released: September 1999
Preview Ahaha! A little old and slow-paced but funny little movie. There's uh, hardly much of a script, just a guy running around shouting "What the fool?", but I'm always for that kind of comedy. Very good. Review by Will Bamber.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Pimp Lando 1 [722 KB]
Pimp Lando 2
Directed by: Casey Wayman, Billy Grant, Jeff Parkes
Released: November 1999
Preview Hahaha. Same sort of concept as the first one, but a little rustier in comparison. The loud, drowning midis don't help either but, hey, what are you going to do? Maybe not as good as PL1, but download it anyway. Go on. You know you want to. Review by Will Bamber.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Pimp Lando 2 [2.27 MB]
Pimp Lando 3
Directed by: Casey Wayman, Billy Grant, Jeff Parkes
Released: October 1999
Preview Another totally pimpin' addition to the Lando series, that felt slightly rusty around the beginning but picked up majestically as soon as the Pimp had a very personal belonging of his stolen from him. This episode ends with a cliffhanger, too! Review by Will Bamber.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Pimp Lando 3 [3.01 MB]
Pimp Lando 4
Directed by: Casey Wayman, Billy Grant, Jeff Parkes
Released: November 1999
Preview Ha ha ha ha ha. Genius, absolute genius. The funniest series I've seen on 3dmm since... since a long time. Fabulous. There's some real good jokes packed in here, some great random humor and a great 'after these messages' scene. It's funny, so download it. Review by Will Bamber.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Pimp Lando 4 [1.93 MB]
Pimp Lando 5
Directed by: Casey Wayman, Billy Grant, Jeff Parkes
Released: July 2000
Preview What a fabulously festive adventure Pimp Lando has today, with more of the same timeless comedy. Lando's throwing a party, and all the people of the land, from every religious group that's particularly important, are coming over to enjoy the big bash. But Bruce the Thumper has other plans. Review by Will Bamber.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Pimp Lando 5 [3.33 MB]
Pimp Lando 6
Directed by: Casey Wayman, Billy Grant, Jeff Parkes
Released: July 2000
Preview This encounter with the Wall Street Pimp feels more like a sketch/random comedy show than an adventurous episode of Pimp Lando, but, still, it's funny. It took me a while to fully understand what was going on, but it's entertaining all the same, despite the annoying cliffhanger at the end. Review by Will Bamber.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Pimp Lando 6 [3.36 MB]
Pimp Lando 7
Directed by: Casey Wayman, Billy Grant, Jeff Parkes
Released: January 2005
Preview This is, as far as I can recall, THE only 3dmm musical in creation. And it's marvellous. The usual flawless Pimp Lando humour runs smoothly throughout, and the musical scores are fantastically conceived (My favourite being 'Ya Got Trouble'. God, that song was in my head for days). However, the final scenes had the dreaded sound bug, in which missing sounds are replaced with already used voices. Which just made it all the more hilarious (In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it was meant to be that way). It's a definite hit, and it's a musical! You can't NOT download it! UPDATE: Jeff Parkes recently sent me an updated and fixed version of this movie. The sound bugs apparent in the final scenes are now no longer present. Review by Will Bamber.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Pimp Lando 7 [7.00 MB]
Pimp Lando Special Edition
Directed by: Casey Wayman, Billy Grant, Jeff Parkes
Released: May 2004
Preview Well... it's pretty much just the same movie, but with a funny bit at the beginning and a lot of random stuff in between. Download if you want, but it's not amazingly different. Review by Will Bamber.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Pimp Lando Special Edition [1.95 MB]