Ching and Mosher at the Movies
Directed by: Cliffmosher, Jeff Ching
Released: September 2003
Preview Oooo! A September the 9th Film Festival BONUS movie. Yup, not only has Rick Trimble's 'The Operatives' been released today, but Leigh makes this movie a surprise extra release! Ching and Mosher is a 3dmm community critic show. In this episode they review some of the Film Festival's movie titles, playing a small clip from each. It works incredibly well and is very nicely put together. Yeh, so it stole a couple of scenes from PowerPlay, but what do you expect when you get a movie co-directed by Jeff Ching?! Simple, done before, but still very cool. I hope these guy's keep it up after the Film Festival.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Ching and Mosher at the Movies [5.44 MB]
Ching and Mosher at the Movies 2
Directed by: Cliffmosher, Jeff Ching
Released: September 2003
Preview Due to popular demand, Ching and Mosher at the movies is back! It's a very cool 3dmm critic movie, actually. This episode, Ching and Mosher look at the movies, 'The Masters', 'Johnny Knocker', 'Replay', 'Blood On The Dance Floor', 'Adrenaline', 'Operatives' and 'Death And Guns'. Yes, Ching rambles on about what a marvelous movie he thinks 'The Masters' is, and both Ching and Mosher seem to like using the 'F' word quite a lot, which is a little unnecessary. It's funny at times adding a little lightheartedness to the movie and I loved some of the comments Jeff made about 'Replay'. The same old intro (that needs changing) and the 'set' scenery is used. Excellently put together, with extremely in-depth reviews for each movie. Download.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Ching and Mosher at the Movies 2 [6.30 MB]
Grim Reapers Home Videos
Directed by: Cliffmosher
Released: July 2003
Preview I wasn't really expecting much from this movie (look at the title!). I've also never seen anything by Cliffmosher myself so I didn't know what to expect. Grim Reaper's Home Videos is a compilation of deaths. Yeah I know the idea is not very new or original, but I actually was kind of surprised about how entertaining it was. Most of the deaths were pretty entertaining. The scenery and animation were pretty basic but still more than adequate. I think speed is of great important in a movie like this. The eye has to be kept entertained. Cliffmosher really did a good job of pushing that idea. More often that not movies like this are too slow and loose their appeal. Looking at the movie on the whole, I can safely say that this is a nice addition to the FF. I don't think it will compare to the other great titles that are still to come, but that doesn't really bother me. After all it's about quality, and this movie has enough of that for me to give it a fair rating.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Grim Reapers Home Videos [1.16 MB]