Humorville 1
Directed by: Dean Francis
Released: April 1999
Preview A very old movie, that seems to have been lost over time. I believe this is the only site with this series starter on - but that may be purposeful... It feels like someones first movie - someone's really rubbish first movie. To put a mark on the movies visuals would be unfair, simply because of it's age. Let's just say that it isn't the best you've ever seen. I didn't find any of the jokes funny and I don't like movies that use soundbites from real movies. If you are a genuine fan of the series then this might be for you, but I really can't recommend it to anyone else.
Overall rating: 2/10 Download
Humorville 1 [641 KB]
Humorville 2
Directed by: Dean Francis
Released: November 1999
Preview An old classic here, so it's about time I put it on my site. A good solid movie, nice humour and very good custom scenery. A bit slow in places for me and sometimes the jokes were overplayed, but other than that very good.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Humorville 2 [3.07 MB]
Humorville 3
Directed by: Dean Francis
Released: September 2000
Preview Has it really been a whole year in the making? It certainly has and it's worth the wait. One of the funniest movies in 3DMM in a long time, this is a nice collection of humorous skits including one with Jeff Ching being Jeff Ching (though I felt it was a little overlong). Some very nice animation here too and the bloopers are hilarious. If you don't like this movie, I'll eat my hat. A definite must-see movie.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Humorville 3 [3.21 MB]
Humorville 4
Directed by: Dean Francis
Released: April 2002
Preview A funny 4th in the Humorville series. Not as good as 3 but it defiantly has some good parts. The animation and scenery is consistently good, and the movie runs for a long time (over 10mins). A lack of music I felt and a few voices were too similar to each other. But this movie is a fun watch and I would recommend it as a very good laugh.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Humorville 4 [3.94 MB]
Humorville Final
Directed by: Dean Francis
Released: May 2004
Preview The fifth and final installment in Dean's famous Humorville series, and very funny it is too. It tells the story of how Humorville was formed, and of its eventual demise. Most of the skits are hilarious and will have you laughing a lot. There are some bad moments where the movie falls flat on its face, mostly the start, which goes on for quite a while. Overall, this is an awesome ending to the Humorville series, and a recommended download.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Humorville Final [6.42 MB]
Directed by: Dean Francis
Released: October 2000
Preview Hahaha, I don't know exactly how old this movie is, but my god it's good. It tells the story of the women Jenny who likes to seduce men. This movie has brilliant animation and scenery despite it's crude content. If there's one 3dmm movie to get you horny, then it's 'Jenny'. Nuff Sed!
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Jenny [980 KB]
Shii Dii
Directed by: Dean Francis
Released: March 2001
Preview Hehe! An old, but very funny and well animated movie from Dean. Some of the movies scenery was excellent with a plot to match. The characters voices are all done using a computer voice which makes it alot funnier (hasn't Dean done that before...? Or was that Domke?). Anyway, it was slightly random in places but that doesn't stop it from being a very entertaining watch. Recommended.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Shii Dii [1.84 MB]