After Life
Directed by: Greg Niecestro
Released: September 2000
Preview From the director of Pokegay, Robotman and Monty and the recent hit Midas, comes this new and much-awaited movie Afterlife. Greg requested that webmasters posting it don't give away details of the plot. Suffice to say, it's extremely good and judging from the title, you could probably be reasonably sure (lol) that the movie is about someone who dies and what he experiences with the afterlife. To go into any more details would ruin it for you, just download.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
After Life [6.51 MB]
Pokegay: The Movie
Directed by: Greg Niecestro
Released: August 1999
Preview Haha, this movie is very silly. I don't know if it's based on something or anything or if it's just a standalone movie, but I thought it was pretty good. Some of the lines were a bit hard to hear at the beginning because of the thumping loud midis pulsating through my speakers, but most of the jokes that I COULD hear were pretty funny. Basically the Pokegay's, which I can only assume are dumb versions of Pokemon, find themselves caught in the evil plan of Satan to overrun the world with Pokemon! And thus the hilarity ensues. A lot of it was pretty dumb, but this movie's pretty effective considering its age. I think this movie is a fun download for everyone who hate Pokemon, or just wants a nice laugh. Review by Will Bamber.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Pokegay: The Movie [3.70 MB]
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 1
Directed by: Greg Niecestro
Released: December 2000
Preview Episode 1 was released on the 1st of December 2000. In the space of 3 months, Greg Niecestro produced this very popular Survivor themed series based on his pokegay characters from several of his earlier movies. The series finished during April of 2001. This was a good solid starting movie for the series. The movies about 13 people being cast off to an island and what they do in order to survive and win popularity. Participants have to vote other people off the island until there's just one person left. Obviously this guy is the winner. There's been many programs on TV that I'm sure you've seen. This series is designed to spoof that. Nicely animated, and well directed, though a little unexciting. I suggest that if you watch any movies in this series that you watch them all... In order! Thats the only way you'll get the most out of this special series.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 1 [2.84 MB]
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 2
Directed by: Greg Niecestro
Released: February 2001
Preview As you would expect, similar to the first episode - still a little slow - and shorter than the first installment. Greg's managed to characterise the personalities of each character rather well and in a weird kind of worrying way, you can start to relate to them making the movie a much easier watch. However, I still can't help but feel there isn't enough excitement and because of the tight release schedule Greg set himself, some bits feel a little 'empty'. Getting better though. Released on the 1st of February 2001.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 2 [2.48 MB]
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 3
Directed by: Greg Niecestro
Released: February 2001
Preview Yay! Getting better and better, the series is now starting to pick up. Longer than the previous episodes and in general alot more enjoyable to watch. Yet again, more voting off adding that much more excitement! Released on the 18th of February 2001.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 3 [2.79 MB]
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 4
Directed by: Greg Niecestro
Released: February 2001
Preview The fourth episode and getting better still. The characters are developing well and I can feel myself getting into it. I'm running out of things to say... There's no point in explaining what happens - its better if you just download and have a watch for yourself. Another good episode though. Released on the 15th February 2001.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 4 [2.95 MB]
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 5
Directed by: Greg Niecestro
Released: February 2001
Preview Another good episode in this classic series. This has been my favorite episode so far. Greg has got things really worked out now; everything flows nicely and is well executed. There's a few annoying scenes were there are groups of people talking with none of them moving so you can't tell who's speaking! This adds a bit of confusion, but on the whole, a good job. Released on the 22nd of February 2001.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 5 [3.10 MB]
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 6
Directed by: Greg Niecestro
Released: March 2001
Preview Not as good as the previous episode, hindered by the fact that nothing really happens. As before, I'm not going to reveal who gets voted off, you'll just have to watch and find out. No matter, it's still a worthy installment in the series. Released on the 1st of March 2001.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 6 [2.92 MB]
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 7
Directed by: Greg Niecestro
Released: March 2001
Preview Another 'so-so' episode, with only a few good 'ol entertaining bits. The cafe scenes are very well constructed and interesting to watch. Not much more I can say - there's the same old intro and outro as well as the voting bit - almost identical to all the other episodes (which admittedly is getting a bit repetitive now. I usually skip the intro). Still, a definite watch if your going to watch the whole series. Released on the 8th of March 2001.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 7 [2.95 MB]
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 8
Directed by: Greg Niecestro
Released: March 2001
Preview Ahh! Thats better... improvement! Improvement from the last episode - with some very entertaining bits too. One character has a narrow escape from being voted off. A bit of diversification in the series would have been nice because by now, somethings are getting a bit tiresome. Released on March the 15th 2001.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 8 [2.47 MB]
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 9
Directed by: Greg Niecestro
Released: March 2001
Preview EVEN better that # 8! An interesting episode that starts off a little slow, but gets better and better throughout. I think this may even be the best episode so far. Hopefully the rest will be at least this good. Fans won't be disappointed. Released on the 22nd of March 2001.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 9 [3.02 MB]
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 10
Directed by: Greg Niecestro
Released: March 2001
Preview I feel like a bit of a prat writing these reviews now... I'm sure I'm just writing the same thing over-and-over for each review. Anyhow, this episode features a special guest who happens to 'drop by' the island. Good stuff. Released on the 29th of March 2001.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 10 [3.03 MB]
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 11
Directed by: Greg Niecestro
Released: April 2001
Preview Almost the end of the series! Watching all the episodes back-to-back probably isn't the best idea. These very episodes were some of the first 3D Movie Making efforts I saw and waiting a whole week for the next episode was a much more rewarding experience. Anyhow, this episode is all good - entertaining AND funny. Released on the 5th of April 2001.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 11 [2.83 MB]
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 12
Directed by: Greg Niecestro
Released: April 2001
Preview Only one more episode after this. Bronc and Geeodude have to do their best to stay in. The winner of the reward challenge gets a family member to visit. Next up... the finale! Released on the 12th of April 2001.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 12 [2.85 MB]
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 13 (The Finale)
Directed by: Greg Niecestro
Released: April 2001
Preview Well, this is it; the final episode, and quite epic it is too. With a much longer run time than any other episode in the series it's clear that Greg really has put the effort into ending the series with a bang! Packed with entertainment, comedy and fun, I'd say this was the best episode in the entire series. Greg managed to end the series perfectly. One of the greatest series ever done in 3dmm, and one to definitely not miss-out on. Released on the 26th of April 2001.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Surviving (Pokegay): Episode 13 (The Finale) [6.45 MB]