Adventures of Jim & Tim, The
Directed by: Hamish Gavin
Released: February 2003
Preview A stupid action movie about two guys who rob a bank and shoot random people. The Gustave character is an obvious rip-off of DD's Gustave, just not as good. It doesn't have a conclusive ending and is said to be continued... The animation and scenery isn't bad but could be made a little smoother.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Adventures of Jim & Tim, The [1.91 MB]
Blood on the Dance Floor
Directed by: Hamish Gavin
Released: August 2003
Preview No, it's doesn't have anything to do with Michael Jackson! This is Hamish Gavin's second P.A.M. movie released for the Film Festival. Compared to the other release 'Johnny Knocker', this may come as a disappointment for a few of you. The animation and scenery are all ok - but just ok. It's very basic in places. A nice solid soundtrack is used and there's some well placed sound effects too. Unfortunately the voice acting was a bit dull; I found most of the voices to be either bad in quality or very faint. I didn't think much of the ending either. As Dan Luke mentioned on the bulletin board, it was stolen from Metal Gear Solid. Overall this is still a good movie but Hamish could've put a bit more effort into the scenery and characters. Worth a look...
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Blood on the Dance Floor [5.47 MB]
Jim & Tim Hit the Road Teaser
Directed by: Hamish Gavin
Released: March 2003
Preview Last update a reviewed 'The Adventures of Jim & Tim'. I awarded it 5 clappers... I didn't like it much. This trailer shows that it looks as if we're in for more of the same. From what I gathered it follows on from where the last one finished. Jim and Tim 'hit the road' making sure to crash into and blow up as many things as possible. The music used was ok - and fitted relatively well. I guess I'm just not a fan...
Overall rating: 4/10 Download
Jim & Tim Hit the Road Teaser [873 KB]
Johnny Knocker
Directed by: Hamish Gavin
Released: August 2003
Preview Another addition to the Film Festival's PAMdemonium titles. It was originally meant for the Short Film Festival, however circumstances beyond Hamish's control meant he couldn't release it then. I wasn't really expecting this movie to be any good as I have never enjoyed any of Hamish's other titles, but, this typical 'slasher' movie was pretty cool! A psychopathic serial killer called Johnny Knocker is on a rampage, killing everything in his path. Yeh... It doesn't sound too convincing or original and I'm sure most of us already have a feeling of deja vu. What really makes this different is the style of the scenery and animation. Hamish really went to town with the splatter and gore effects, and the solid soundtrack only complimented this. A great addition to the Film Festival providing lots of entertainment.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Johnny Knocker [1.83 MB]
Killing Time
Directed by: Joey Cosmos, Hamish Gavin
Released: July 2003
Preview A joint movie making effort here, working much the same was as Guy Collins' and Brad Ross' 'The Fight' - the directors take it in turns to direct a scene in the movie. It is the first movie I have watched to use Travis' 3dmm frame rate accelerator. It's a strange experience watching 3D Movie Maker movies run in a smoothly, a change I welcome, but theres something just not right about a 3dmm movie running fast... The on-screen action is just a little too fastly paced in this example for my liking. Anyway, I think it's fair to say that this pointless action movie was quite heavily influenced by Jimmy Pozin's 'A Ragtag Group Of Rebels' - everything from the location to the weapons is all too familiar. However, this doesn't stop it from being an entertaining watch in it's own right, it just means it's not the most original movie to ever hit the scene (but then again, what is?!). The zip file also comes with a host of special features and a couple of previews for forthcoming titles which is a nice little touch. All-in-all, good but not great.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Killing Time [4.29 MB]
Newbie Strikes Back, The
Directed by: Hamish Gavin
Released: February 2003
Preview A lot better than the movie 'The Adventures of Jim & Tim' also by Hamish - this one at least has a point! "Submit this movie, or die!". Well; I don't want to die, so I thought I had better put it up. The animation and visuals ain't all that bad, and Hamish has had a pretty good attempt as some moving camera. It's a shame the voice acting is complete wank.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Newbie Strikes Back, The [1.25 MB]