Directed by: Hand Made Character
Released: August 2004
Preview I had seen a screenshot of some Lego characters in a thread somewhere on the BB by Handmade character a few weeks ago and I thought it was a pretty nifty idea, but the thought of someone making a movie in such a style never crossed my mind! So, who else to bring such a movie to our screens other than Handmade Character?! (I wish I knew his real name... Calling someone 'Handmade Character' is a little strange). Obviously, the movies selling feature is the incredible animation. It must have taken a lot of patience and perseverance to pull this off. The characters are all brilliantly designed and their maneuverability limitations were nicely incorporated. Lots of inspiration has obviously come from 'Toy Story' - especially the scenery. I thought that a sense of scale was well realised too. However, in all other departments the movie lacks quite a lot. As Rubin said on the bulletin board, it was basically just one big animation fest and not really a movie. The scenes didn't have proper transitions and lots of it felt akward and rushed.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Legoz [2.38 MB]
Mario Saga, The
Directed by: Hand Made Character
Released: July 2003
Preview A short but wonderfully sweet movie from the newbie Hand Made Character. Based on the Nintendo Mario games (I swear I recognised a few of the references from Yoshi's Island on the SNES!), Hand Made Character has been extremely bold and re-created your favorite characters in 3dmm. The animation is second to none, and absolutely stunning. I can't believe newbie's are creating movies like these, the standards are getting stupidly high. And the filesize is tiny for the length (admittedly; the movie does use midis). Just... just watch, you'll see something you like if not love.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Mario Saga, The [1.01 MB]
Mario Saga 2 Trailer, The
Directed by: Hand Made Character
Released: December 2004
Preview Hand Made Character delivers us a trailer for his upcoming movie "The Mario Saga 2", and by the looks of things, we're all going to be needing new underwear when this movie is released. The scenery is stunning and for the most part the animation is smooth and excellent. It also gives us enough of the plot to get us excited, but not enough to spoil it. This does a great job at hyping the movie and I believe that The Mario Saga 2 will be one of the best movies of 2005. Great job! Review by Tom Bown.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Mario Saga 2 Trailer, The [533 KB]
Regime of Terror
Directed by: Hand Made Character
Released: December 2003
Preview Christmas 03 Film Festival movie #1. Set in 2010, the movie depicts a character entering the 3dmm community world, which used to be a peaceful place to live. Apparently though, movie standards became too high and the passion for movie making died - taking the community with it. The community world has now become a kind of prison; once you enter, you will never leave. I imagine the use of black and white reflects this idea. Fear not though, for the movies hero throws the handy 'Good/Evil' switch firmly to 'Good'. The sequence of colour and prosperity returning to the land is magical and extremely pleasing on the eyes. The black and white imagery obviously brought back memories of 'Dead Heart In a Dead World'. Don't be alarmed though, this is no rip-off, and the use of such a technique worked really well, setting an ideal mood. I enjoyed watching this movie and the addition of having a host of everyone's favorite handmade characters was an excellent touch. There are a couple of nags to be had however. There were a LOAD of sound errors throughout the movie, which kind of disrupted my viewing pleasure, and the initial midi shouldn't have been used. How hard would it have been to get an mp3 version of Tubular Bells and stuck that in instead? The voices were also a little poor and I felt that the movie could have gone on for a little longer. Other than that though, this is an excellently made movie that is well worth the download. Recommended.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Regime of Terror [1.23 MB]
Stickman's Halloween Adventure
Directed by: Hand Made Character
Released: October 2005
Preview At last, another movie by HMC! You can always count on him to produce something special for your enjoyment. While his long-time-in-the-works, up-and-coming-movie 'Mario Saga 2' is still in the works, HMC answers our calls for a movie from him with this. This movie strongly reminded me of the Summer Film Fests big hit 'Mean Breads Totally Bitchin' Adventure' - not to mention the similarities between the title, style and animating! However this aint Mean Bread, it's Stickman. This movie ruled. The plot is simple, Stickman is in love and buys a Halloween kit to impress the lovely lady, but the kit has some unexpected suprises in store for our 2D friend. The animation and scenery were brilliant thanks to v3dmm, and the plot was nothing short of comedy gold. An essential download. Review by Ben Rice.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Stickman's Halloween Adventure [5.62 MB]