Moderately Confused
Directed by: James Quicksell
Released: November 2004
Preview The sequel to the enjoyable Simpson-esque, 'Slightly Confused'. The pleasantly enjoyable 'Moderately Confused' picks up where the last movie left off, with a sackful of laughs and a fine hour-and-a-half story about a bag-headed man and his exciting adventures with his 'team' of computer geek's, narcoleptics, drug dealers and various other hilarious characters. The movie itself is a fine afternoon rumpus, and the brilliant (albeit a bit hit-and-miss) comedy adds to this little gem. However, before you click that link and download this gigantic-sized movie, be prepared that you're not going to split your sides in hysterics and fall down into a bawling, crumpled heap on the floor. This isn't a stand up show. You're not supposed to go into theatre over this movie bursting your lungs with laughter. A giggle here and there, a good chuckle and a few bursts of 'Ha's over the ending is as much as you can expect from this comedy. And you know what? It doesn't matter. Not one bit. Because while you're watching this movie you can't help but get attached to it. The characters, the storyline itself, and all the little gags in between. It's ENJOYABLE. Isn't that what movies are all about? If you liked 'Slightly Confused', you'll immediately fall in love with this long-awaited sequel. A wonderful performance by Mr. Quicksell. Marvelous. Review by Will Cheyney.

Moderately Confused is an enjoyable feature-length caper comedy following on the heels of Slightly Confused. It's clear that Quicksell has gone through much improvement since Slightly Confused, as this sequel expands and betters the first several times over. With well developed characters, a good, sometimes suspenseful, plot, and plenty of outstanding voice acting, Moderately Confused was for the most part an hour and a half well spent. The story of Moderately Confused is a familiar enough premise to anyone who has seen any of the great caper comedies of the past 50 years. Moderately Confused takes its inspiration from Ocean's Eleven, but adapts the formula to create a unique experience for anyone whose seen these movies. The plot is straightforward: thief gets out (read: escapes) from jail, meets up with fellow organiser, hatches scheme, finds partners/fiancee, and the plot rolls forward from there. It's not all straightforward, I must add. There are several plot twists and interesting devices that Quicksell uses to complicate his story, with the plot picking up steam when the thief's crush turns out to be the museum curator. This sets a whole lot of actions in motion that propel us through the end of the movie. There are several plot points that didn't work out. The Taxi-scene ran on a whole 5 minutes, but nothing came of it except a drive across town. The sodomy scene also didn't click. Basically, it didn't make sense to be thrown in to these otherwise well developed characters. It just seemed... out of place. Part of the fun of this film was the use of creative camera moves. I'd like to highlight the incredibly cool opening titles as particularly representative of this skill. The camera, for the most part, behaves as a real camera would, and Quicksell's use of zooms and pans is effective, but never distracting. The robbery sequence, particularly, is backed up by smart, smooth camera movements that closely mirror the atmosphere of the scene. Incidentally, that's what a camera is... supposed to do... moving on. Moderately Confused boasts some impressive examples of expansion textures, text-based scenery, and clever use of the built-in 3dmm props cabinet. The scenery isn't perfect. There are several examples of blank land and bland-looking locations, but not enough to be truly distracting. Overall, the visuals were well thought-out, and skilfully implemented. There are some areas that could have done with a bit of polishing, but in the grand (1 1/2 hour) scheme of things, those moments don't stick out. Plot and sound are the highlights of the movie. Quicksell has compiled a worthy score to back up his movie. From the smooth jazz rifts of Ocean's Eleven to the classic Mission Impossible theme, to Queen's legendary, and still kicking after all these times played in football stadiums classic "We are the Champions," Moderately Confused' music design matches the action spot-on. As far as effects go, Moderately Confused uses a good, though far from perfect implementation of sound effects. There are many scenes where lack of sound is sorely apparent, one occurring at the very beginning (helicopters are pretty loud, right?) The voice acting makes up entirely for this lacking. All the voice actors, and James, knew their parts well and pulled them off to flatter the comedic script. Most notable is Klaymen as the terret's affected insider, providing some very funny moments, and Quicksell himself, as the bank robber. His use of comedic timing, especially in the closing monologue, are hi-lights of the movie. Some of Quicksell's characters do begin to sound alike, a discrepancy that could have been remedied. Though slightly confusing (haha, I'm so witty) at first, these characters don't last very long in the story. Also of note are several throwaway lines from 3DMM's line of default dialogue. Moderately Confused runs at a hefty hour and a half, so expect to spend some quality time with your computer screen. Though the length is a triumph, it can be daunting and could have been cut down with the elimination of scenes that just didn't flow with the film. Overall, Moderately Confused is a great character-driven comedy. The movie's character development should be studied by aspiring directors looking for ways to connect the audience to the characters in ways that are extremely difficult to do in 3d Movie Maker. A worthwhile download, for a nice comedic experience. Review by Andres Salter.

Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Moderately Confused [30.15 MB]
Moderately Confused 2nd Teaser
Directed by: James Quicksell
Released: February 2004
Preview This is a teaser for the the cleverly titled sequel to 'Slightly Confused' (which can be found in the movie archive), although this should really be classed as a trailer. The original was fairly mediocre, but we have been promised bigger and better things this time round. This teaser looks set to anything but disappoint. The character introductions were very nicely done and everything looked solidly constructed.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Moderately Confused 2nd Teaser [996 KB]
Moderately Confused Teaser
Directed by: James Quicksell
Released: March 2003
Preview This is the teaser for the sequel to 'Slightly Confused'. After breaking out of jail, the Bank Robber decides to drop by his old friend Shady's apartment where the two of them devise a plan to steal an extremely expensive gem from the city museum with a team of mismatched "professionals". It's very short, very clich
Overall rating: 4/10 Download
Moderately Confused Teaser [329 KB]
Slightly Confused
Directed by: James Quicksell
Released: March 2003
Preview This is James Quicksell's first release into the 3DMM community. While slowly becoming somewhat of a cult hit, the initial reviews were very hit and miss. A pretty lengthy bank robbery comedy. Funny in places but lame and boring in others. The scenery was good but simple in places. There was some nice smooth camera movements thrown in there too. The voice acting was average and the lack of any music made the movie appear slower. It got a nomination for Best Comedy in the 2003 Awards.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Slightly Confused [4.50 MB]