3dmm Box Office Report - 2004
Directed by: Jeff Ching
Released: January 2005
Preview Ah, Jeff Ching. A firm believer in shitty scenery, bad special effects, and never, ever redoing lines. However, this is very informative. Aside from the main 3dmm movie which has the Top 10 highest grossing Box Office movies of 2004, there is also a word file with all Box Office movies and their grosses, and also an excel file with random stats. Overall a good movie if you want to see what was big in the year 2004. Review by Tom Bown.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
3dmm Box Office Report - 2004 [5.55 MB]
3dmm Raspberry Awards, The
Directed by: Jeff Ching
Released: May 2004
Preview The first annual 3dmm Raspberry awards, designed to 'congragulate' the worst movies and directors of 2003! Only... they didn't. However, the focus was not on the awards themselves, but on the humor. As always from a Ching film, it was top notch. Nearly all the skits had me laughing out loud, the ones involving Jalal and Danny Swazz clearly being the best, although the introduction of BR was great as well. Overall, a light-hearted poke at many community members that everyone who knows anything about the community would enjoy. The results weren't great, but the humor was some of the best all year. Great job!
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
3dmm Raspberry Awards, The [6.15 MB]
Ching and Mosher at the Movies
Directed by: Cliffmosher, Jeff Ching
Released: September 2003
Preview Oooo! A September the 9th Film Festival BONUS movie. Yup, not only has Rick Trimble's 'The Operatives' been released today, but Leigh makes this movie a surprise extra release! Ching and Mosher is a 3dmm community critic show. In this episode they review some of the Film Festival's movie titles, playing a small clip from each. It works incredibly well and is very nicely put together. Yeh, so it stole a couple of scenes from PowerPlay, but what do you expect when you get a movie co-directed by Jeff Ching?! Simple, done before, but still very cool. I hope these guy's keep it up after the Film Festival.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Ching and Mosher at the Movies [5.44 MB]
Ching and Mosher at the Movies 2
Directed by: Cliffmosher, Jeff Ching
Released: September 2003
Preview Due to popular demand, Ching and Mosher at the movies is back! It's a very cool 3dmm critic movie, actually. This episode, Ching and Mosher look at the movies, 'The Masters', 'Johnny Knocker', 'Replay', 'Blood On The Dance Floor', 'Adrenaline', 'Operatives' and 'Death And Guns'. Yes, Ching rambles on about what a marvelous movie he thinks 'The Masters' is, and both Ching and Mosher seem to like using the 'F' word quite a lot, which is a little unnecessary. It's funny at times adding a little lightheartedness to the movie and I loved some of the comments Jeff made about 'Replay'. The same old intro (that needs changing) and the 'set' scenery is used. Excellently put together, with extremely in-depth reviews for each movie. Download.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Ching and Mosher at the Movies 2 [6.30 MB]
Date Rape
Directed by: Jeff Ching
Released: December 2002
Preview I can hear you groaning... YES; it's a Jeff Ching movie! You just know its going to be a combination of hilarious comedy and awful animation. Date Rape doesn't disappoint. I was actually dreading watching the movie, after remembering the horrors of 'Horny And The Dead', but I was pleasantly surprised. Even though the scenery or animation isn't the greatest, the cool story and humor make this incredibly watchable. I actually enjoyed it!
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Date Rape [4.72 MB]
Horny and the Dead
Directed by: Jeff Ching
Released: July 2000
Preview Quite a rude but effective movie with both elements of comedy and drama; here's looking forward to seeing more work by Jeff. He should definitely focus less on crudity and more on creativity. His animation does show promise.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Horny and the Dead [9.47 MB]
Remember 2000
Directed by: Jeff Ching
Released: January 2001
Preview Remember 2000 was the first of Jeff Ching's "Remember" series, and also the worst. As I'm sure you know, Jeff collected clips from the best 3dmm movies to put into one short compilation. Only one problem: he forgot some of the best ones! Quality films such as DD, Dragon in America, and Rebirth of 3dmm were left out. I know Jeff disliked DD, but to leave it out of a compilation designed to show the best movies of that year is just madness. The song chosen was also awful and Jeff forgot to put the names of the movies the clips were from as they came up, which lead to some confusion. However, the movie still shows what a great year 2000 was, and also prompted me to download a few movies. Overall, good, but not good enough.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Remember 2000 [2.02 MB]
Remember 2001
Directed by: Jeff Ching
Released: January 2002
Preview Last year, Jeff produced the acclaimed 'Remember 2000'. For this, he collected small clips from the best movies of 2000, and stitched them together, creating a simple, yet extremely effective compilation movie. This year, quite aptly, comes 'Remember 2001'. Jeff has done the same as before, and made a great compilation movie of movies released in 2001. It isn't until you watch it, that you realise what a great year it has been for 3dmm. The movies carefully selected soundtrack "How You Remind Me", by Nickelback sync's almost perfectly with all of the clips (although it might be out a little out of time if you have XP). Forget Remember 2000, download this now and you will clearly see that the community is far from dieing off in any kind of hurry. Here's to 2002...!
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Remember 2001 [1.72 MB]
Remember 2002
Directed by: Jeff Ching
Released: May 2003
Preview Finally released, the ever delayed 'Remember 2002' is a montage of all the major 2002 movie maker releases. Clips from over 35 movies are played to a well synced soundtrack (a different song may have been nicer though). It would seem that 2002 was a very good year for 3dmm, once again proving that the 3D Movie Maker community is far from dead. It's nice to look back and reflect on the back-catalogue of movies released in the year that's just passed, and what better way to do it than watch Remember 2002.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Remember 2002 [2.50 MB]
Remember 2003
Directed by: Jeff Ching
Released: April 2004
Preview Wow! This was great! The fourth Remember movie, and the best yet! Jeff Ching gets clips from the most popular movies from 2003, and shows everyone exactly how much life the community has left in it. This edition has a great song behind it, some nice synching, and clips that were just the right amount of time. This movie really opened my eyes to how awesome 2003 was. The community dead? Pah, this is just the beginning...
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Remember 2003 [2.30 MB]
Remember 2004
Directed by: Jeff Ching
Released: May 2005
Preview Remember 2004 continues Jeff Ching
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Remember 2004 [5.44 MB]
Shit Happens
Directed by: Jeff Ching
Released: December 2003
Preview Christmas 03 Film Festival movie #3. Mr. Ching has been promising this movie for a very long time... for almost as long as I can remember. It's been three years in the making, and to be honest, considering its production time I can't believe it still looks like 1997 all over again. But then again, it is a Jeff Ching movie so what do you expect?! Just like all other Ching movies, 'Shit Happens' severely lacks in the visual department but is saved by it's strong story. Jeff has once again managed to create an involving, complex and deep storyline with believable characters to boot. The usual combination of comedy and drama works better than ever and the added usage of cheesy lines isn't as bad as suspected. There's an all-star voice cast too; from Jaymond to Dustin Guest - everyone did a wonderful job. I found it started off a little slow, but the runtime of over 50 minutes will soon fly by...
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Shit Happens [14.39 MB]
Summer 2004 Film Festival Sneak Peak
Directed by: Jeff Ching, others
Released: April 2004
Preview I can't really say anything about this movie other than just a few short words. Obviously, it's a compilation of clips from movies we should expect to see this Film Festival. There's a whole 1 minute and 50 seconds worth of footage, compiled in a 'music video' sort of way, reminiscent to Jeff's 'Remember' movies. Everything looks extremely promising, guaranteeing this film fest to be one exciting event.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Summer 2004 Film Festival Sneak Peak [1.05 MB]