Star Wars: Episode VII: Revenge of the Sith
Directed by: Jesse Bush
Released: March 2003
Preview Now that's weird. It's called Revenge of the Sith. The plot of this film is pretty straightforward Star Wars: an evil force, aided by the Sith, seeks to destroy the new republic. Unfortunately, there's not much to the plot. The character development side of the film was practically nil, since all characters had already been developed. Visually, the film is hit or miss. From eye rolling scenes involving flying taxis to impressive Yodas, and a well done Artoo. Some environments also go together well, but the inconsistency between the good and the bad taks a lot out of the film. Sound wise, it's a mix of MIDI and wav sounds together to form the soundtrack, and it comes off mostly well. The midis are of pretty low quality, but they are not as prominant. However, in a disturbing twist at the beginning of the film, the Stargate SG-1 theme music accompanies the action, really throwing the film for a loop. It's a worth attempt at the Star Wars universe, but the inconsistent approach drags the score down more than the film deserves. Review by Andrew Salter.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Star Wars: Episode VII: Revenge of the Sith [3.43 MB]
Star Wars: Episode VII: Revenge of the Sith Part 2
Directed by: Jesse Bush
Released: February 2004
Preview Jesse Bush's continuation of his Episode VII is mostly the same as the first film, with a few improvements. The plot is still basically Star Wars standard, only with a few twists at the end which show some creative thinking. Visually, the movie has improved a bit from the first, including more of Yoda, a handmade Darth Vader, and other visual joys that last all too briefly for us to appreciate fully. The film suffers from the lack of voice acting, and the sound is still a mix between midi and wav that makes for an inconsistent feel to the proceedings. Overall, it's worth a watch if you're committed to seeing all that the community has made in regards to Star Wars. Review by Andrew Salter.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Star Wars: Episode VII: Revenge of the Sith Part 2 [5.96 MB]