Directed by: Joaquin Tome
Released: July 2003
Preview One of the trickiest genres to pull off in 3dmm is drama. Being such a limited tool, creating emotions that a viewer can believe is no easy task. Countless directors have failed in trying to do so. This is apparently Joaquin's first ever attempt at making a proper movie, and I have to admit that after watching Epilogue I am more than impressed. It's a silent drama that has a similar premise to a book I have just finished reading called, 'Ralph's Party'. A young lad has fallen in love with a beautiful girl. She however, has fallen for his best friend. Depression sets in and everything goes downhill from here on after. The director has made a very good attempt at making the drama as believable as possible, making good use of colour, music, animation and cut-away's. It's all very visual (mainly because there are no spoken words!) and it flows quite nicely. Still, I can't help feeling that theres something missing...
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Epilogue [1.84 MB]