Liquid Sunshine
Directed by: Joe Barton
Released: May 2004
Preview Up-till the release of this movie, I had no idea of it's existence. It's an epic short, that has been wonderfully directed. I don't want to give too much away in this review, so I'm not going to cover any plot details - just the technical stuff. Everything thing has been well thought out, and everything from script to soundtrack has been polished. I don't know... everything just seems very complete. Joe has made fantastic use of the expansion pack. Surely after watching this, no one in the community could have anything negative to say. I can't wait to see more movies incorporate it. The scenery and handmade characters are fantastic. The characters movement to facial expressions are spot on. The soundtrack and voice acting is also another commendable factor. So, all-in-all, a pretty impressive piece. A must download if you haven't already seen it.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Liquid Sunshine [3.03 MB]
Yeti & Squidworth's Halloween Nightmare (with Ringworld Trailer)
Directed by: Joe Barton
Released: November 2003
Preview This is one of the movie with trailer stuck on the end affairs. This was infact the only movie I received for the Halloween update (hence the site not having one). The main feature, 'Yeti & Squidworth's Halloween Nightmare' is overall not all that good. Distinct lack of sound effects doubled with rubbishy voices and sounds ruin it. That's not to say it doesn't looks nice, because it does! There is some very coolly stylised and well made characters here - the birds have real character. It's just a shame that it wasn't polished. As for the trailer, well being a teaser there's not a lot I can say. Again was fairly mediocre with little to no sound effects with fairly plain and boring scenery. You never know... it may turn out to be one heck of a movie.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Yeti & Squidworth's Halloween Nightmare (with Ringworld Trailer) [2.43 MB]