All By Myself
Directed by: Jordi Visser
Released: June 2002
Preview A nice short drama from Jordi here which really surprised me the first time I saw it. I don't know quite how you'd class movies like this... I guess they're kind of 'reflection' movies - they make you think and feel good. A single song plays throughout. I guess you could call it a drama, but more of an artistic movie. The music (Moby - something we've come to expect from Jordi) was an excellent choice. It fits well. This movie certainly makes for a nice little download. Top quality stuff.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
All By Myself [666 KB]
Jordi Visser Collection
Directed by: Jordi Visser
Released: January 2004
Preview A Jordi Visser movie, hooray! As I watched the wonderful graphics of the intro I knew this would be awesome. This collection is of scenes from movies he's working on, present and past. Some look very promising and I hope make it to our screens someday. Jordi's skills are amazing, ranging from a cute HMC santa, to intricate lines and shapes to render detail, to a cinematic feel of animation and sweeping scenery, to choosing the right background music, and of course not to mention the beautiful scenery that left me open-mouthed in shock. Holy crap! I look forward to seeing more of jordi's stuff. 3dmm'ing genius.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Jordi Visser Collection [3.13 MB]
Jordi's Matrix Scenes
Directed by: Jordi Visser
Released: April 2001
Preview A very good matrix parody. As an official fan of Jordi's movies, I've had this little yummy movie on my movie for a very long time, but when I saw that it was missing in 3dmm Studio's archive, I thought that no 3dmm archive is complete without this or any other of the famous Dutchie's work. This is a very good movie with simple scenes, good animation, and awesome matrix effects. You know, running on the wall and stuff like that. Overall, this is a movie which should in every movie archive. Download now if you don't have it.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Jordi's Matrix Scenes [1.34 MB]
Directed by: Jordi Visser
Released: August 2002
Preview Another fantastically well made narrative movie from Jordi. As ever everything is perfect - its well animated, moving and thoughtful. There are some nice effects used too which add atmosphere to the experience; I particularly liked the 'old-age' animation and mirroring text-to-speach. A great little drama, with a very good simple plot.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Reunion [1.31 MB]
Stranger 1
Directed by: Jordi Visser
Released: April 2001
Preview This is a cool movie from the time when we were all making movies with Maltby-syles scenes and animations. It's basically about a stranger who seeks action in his life - so he goes to a western town looking for evil guys. Jordi did a good job with this movie - it was plain awesome back in its time.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Stranger 1 [2.13 MB]
Stranger 2
Directed by: Jordi Visser
Released: May 2001
Preview Stranger has returned to finish his job of hunting down the evil turban guy. It's set in the same style as Stranger 1 (very Maltby-esqe). Some nice effects and humor made my day by watching this good movie by Mr Visser.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Stranger 2 [1.74 MB]
Stranger 3
Directed by: Jordi Visser
Released: August 2001
Preview The movie starts of saying "...make sure you have watched Stranger 1 and Stranger 2 before you watch this movie...", but really, you don't need to have watched any of the prequels, I think Jordi is just trying to get people to notice his work :) Anyhow, this movie is bloody fantastic! Much better than the previous two. It has a very similar animation style to DD, which is a good thing. The scenery is fairly plain (white) as it is set in a snowy area, but it doesn't need to be anymore detailed - it works perfectly how it is. 'Gustave' is the main character, who, after entering the film snowboarding down a slope, decides to shoot a legion of static snowmen. The movie spoofs a few real movies, namely The Matrix, and Terminator 2. This just makes the movie even better (the Terminator bit is fucking great!). The animation and camera movement is, throughout, smooth and 'jump' free, as is the character animation. Jordi makes use of some very nice 'custom character' effects (aww... the popping out cartoon eyes, and rolling tongue). The movie has only one fault. The microphone Jordi used to record voices is crap. This makes the voices sound a little 'echoey'. This movie is fantastic. I found myself having to re-watch it simply because it is so great... Download now, and don't miss 'Two of a Kind' - Jordi's next movie, when that is released.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Stranger 3 [2.33 MB]
Stranger 4
Directed by: Jordi Visser
Released: August 2003
Preview The Film Festival movie you have all been waiting for; yes, this IS Stranger 4. Unfortunately though, it also spells the end of this great Film Festival. If you have already read the reviews for the previous Stranger movies, then you will already know that I have been a big fan of this series since the outset. It's been a whilst since Stranger 3 was released - I remember reviewing it in the early days of 3dmm Studio. Until now, nothing but a few measly screenshots were shown on this highly anticipated #4 but OH MY did they look gorgeous. Alas, our waiting is finally over after o-so many, "No, I'm not going to finish it - I can't be bothered" scares from Jordi. Every Stranger movie is always bigger and bolder than the last. Remember how you felt when you first saw Gustave's mouth drop to the floor in Stranger 3? And then the squeal you let out when his tongue rolled out? Or the first time you 'experienced' the Terminator vision?! Well, Stranger 4 is no different - its full of little animation tricks you wont have seen in 3dmm before. Jordi seems to have grasped the very essence of the program to an even greater extent this time. The visuals are quite literally stunning, putting the rest of our work to shame. Jordi has managed to capture the true feeling of a Wild West scene. I like how Jordi made a few of the scenes echo the previous Stranger movies in terms of style and composition. I also really liked how Jordi laid any text or subtitle out. The music was expertly chosen and applied, adding depth, suspense and atmosphere. The voicing of the characters was believable enough but I felt that they were a little over acted/dramatised in places. For the majority though I think everyone did a grand job. They sure as hell beat the voices in the previous movies, an aspect that I always criticised before. The only part of this movie I can critise is the ending. It's a major disappointment and a totally unexciting way to end the fabled Stranger series. Where was the HUGE showdown and grand defeat of John Duke was was meant to be in this finale?! Other than that, Stranger 4 is fantastic in every department. I'm so impressed and relieved that Jordi found the persistence to finish it. I know that he declared defeat on so many occasions. Jordi has defiantly developed and refined his his own distinct style - something he has always worried about not having. All this praise, yet I still can't shake the feeling that I enjoyed Stranger 3 more the first time I saw it. I'm torn between the two; I simply cant decide what one I like more. Rest-assured, both are spectacular AND unmissable. Review by Will Cheyney.

This is the movie most of us have been waiting for. The movie that marks the end of the Film Festival. Stranger 4 by Jordi Visser - one of the most anticipated movies of 2003 is finally here! It's been in the making for at least a year now and since then I've heard of a lot of talk and rumors about how great the scenery and animation would be. I stayed critical just in case it was a disappointment. Well I can safely say that it hasn't been a disappointment at all! OK, to start off with, the plot. Jordi never saw anything in movies with plots, so it comes as no big surprise when this one doesn't have an amazing plot. It's mostly the action that speaks for itself. The west is ruled by an evil sheriff called John Duke. A man called Stranger is send back in time to stop him. As always Jordi's movies are full of beautiful scenery and slick animation. Stranger 4 goes even beyond slick animation I guess. Some of the scenes just move so incredibly realistically that you almost forget that your watching a 3dmm movie. Now that we're on the subject of scenery, Jordi has done an amazing job of giving this movie a real 'wild west' feeling. The scenery is simply breathtaking. Combine this with the animation that I talked about earlier and you've got yourself a masterpiece! The soundtrack is again, unique! The music just fits so perfectly you'd almost think it's been written specially for this movie. The soundtrack gives the wild west theme an even more realistic feeling than it already had. Of course the use of good sound effects is also important and it looks if Jordi took this part of the movie very serious too. The sounds fit with every action. In Stranger 4 Jordi added something new. A cast! In the previously movies of Stranger there is almost no voices or identifiable characters whatsoever. Jordi decided to give this movie a stronger cast to spice it up even more! Movies are released rapidly these days. But there's only the select few that have the same constancy of quality throughout the movie. Stranger 4 is one of those. In my eyes this is the best movie of the year. Great characters, an awesome cast, a good soundtrack and amazing scenes and animation make this movie something to remember for the next couple of years. Review by Jeroen van Eden.

Overall rating: 10/10 Download
Stranger 4 [6.02 MB]
Two of a Kind
Directed by: Jordi Visser, Jorrit Stuifmeel
Released: February 2002
Preview I was disappointed after finishing watching 'Two of a Kind'. A great storyline was never in the cards, but I was expecting something a little less chaotic . The movie is too confusing, it throws you on and off the rails like a yo-yo. The 'fade in' transition between scenes was also overused; until the extent where it just became annoying. Jordi's superb "Maltby" style animation and scenery saved the day though. A great movie, just pointless and confusing - if that is possible!?
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Two of a Kind [5.78 MB]
Two of a Kind 1.2
Directed by: Jordi Visser
Released: December 2002
Preview After being heavily critised for being confusing and pretty much pointless, Jordi took 'Two of a Kind' back to the drawing board and pretty much re-worked the whole thing. Thankfully, Jordi's efforts didn't go to waste and the movie now stands as a great 3dmm movie. Great scenery, smooth animation and atmospheric flashbacks - do not miss it!
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Two of a Kind 1.2 [3.32 MB]
Two of a Kind version 1.2 Trailer
Directed by: Jordi Visser
Released: November 2002
Preview Two Of A Kind is 1.2 is a re-worked version of the movie 'Two of a Kind' by Jordi and Jorrit. The original version was criticised for being confusing, so, Jordi has been working on it to make it moodier, easier to follow, and more serious. This trailer works well, giving a little dose of what's to come. Defiantly one to watch for.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Two of a Kind version 1.2 Trailer [509 KB]