3dmm Evil - Episode 1
Directed by: Klaymen
Released: July 2004
Preview I have to congratulate Klayman, this is an alright show. It starts off very slow, but it picks up speed as it does along. Working in much the same fashion as any other 'interview show', guests are invited to the studio and interviewed, clips of upcoming movies are aired, and there was also space for community commercials. The interviews with Thomas Saville and Sammy Sagitarius were fairly engaging but nothing spectacular. The thrown in jokes mid-conversation were amusing and kept everything from becoming too dull. Tom was talking about Knight of Camelot and his 3dmm'ing future, where as Sammy was talking about his Community Clash series. I found that a lot of the time I was struggling to hear what people were saying because the music was drowning their voices out. Also, what the fuck was that absurd voice used for the shows introductory figure? The commercials/adverts were good fun to watch, with a feature from Apfigur and Jeff Ching. The studio's scenery was very basic and way too sparse to receive any form of credit (the screenshot above gives you the general idea). The bare essentials are there; 4 walls, a table and chairs, but there seems to be nothing else. Despite it's flaws, all the fundamental foundations for a solid show are there and well formed. With some improvements this show could turn into something very nice indeed.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
3dmm Evil - Episode 1 [5.46 MB]
3dmm Evil - Episode 2
Directed by: Klaymen
Released: August 2004
Preview The second in the 3dmm Evil series starts off just like the first one did: slow. As the show rolls, it picks up a little more steam and becomes less of a chore to watch. I was hoping that Klayman would have taken into aboard the constructive comments he received after the release of the first episode and fix all those little 'niggles' I had with the first one. Unfortunately, it is only marginally better in places. Don't get me wrong, it is another very watchable movie but for some reason I was expecting something more. The scenery has obviously had a complete overhaul. Furniture has been reconstructed, details to the floor and walls have been added and there is a greater feeling of direction. I didn't find the skits as funny this time round and a lot of the time I found my eyes wondering away from the screen. Overall this is an improvement over the first show. Things have been polished to a higher shine and everything seems to be coming together better. Let's just hope future episodes follow suit!
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
3dmm Evil - Episode 2 [6.43 MB]
3dmm Evil - Episode 3
Directed by: Klaymen
Released: October 2004
Preview Once again, a steady improvement over the previous episode. If things keep heading the way they are then the show will go down as one of the best 3dmm shows ever. Number 3 has been organized in a much better fashion with more community involvement. Things are looking good then... I thought that Klaymen had planned his interview questions better this time, keeping me more entertained than ever before. The skits were funny again and all sound problems seem to been eradicated - Klaymen is obviously listening to his viewers. Here's hoping for 3dmm Evil 4!
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
3dmm Evil - Episode 3 [7.36 MB]
3dmm Evil - Episode 4
Directed by: Klaymen
Released: December 2004
Preview Lol! I'm going to have to say it again, but this is much better than the last episode and easily the best in the series so far. Set out in a completely different, far less linear manner to any of the other episodes, it is almost like an interview movie instead of an interview show. Let me explain. Instead of being set in the usual filming studio, the movie has been given a plot and taken outdoors; Klaymen breaks out of prison and bumps into his interviewees. This 'storyline' approach is a very interesting technique and a completely new 3dmm experience that would be cool if it were continued. Saying that though, perhaps it was just the sheer difference in perspective that made this so effective this one time round. Who knows?! Great scenery, funny jokes and entertaining to watch. Recommended.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
3dmm Evil - Episode 4 [9.68 MB]
3dmm Evil - Episode 5
Directed by: Klaymen
Released: June 2005
Preview Klaymen's return to production of the series that has been on hold for awhile feels like a rushed attempt to release the film. It's not as streamlined as some of the other episodes, but it does provide some good information about community filmmakers while providing some entertaining side skits. In this Episode, Klaymen interviews Anders Borg and Justin Wawrzonek who both provide some nice insight into their current projects and some of their filmmaking philosophies. The interviews are the highlight of the show, and their strong point is the dialogue between Klaymen and the guest. Visually, the show takes place in static scenes that are fairly well constructed, but not much to look at after awhile. The sketches are done almost entirely in black and default scenery, and are not much to look at themselves. The audio in these sections can also be hard to hear due to music mismatching and soft dialogue. Overall, it's nice to have Klaymen return to his series and the new episode, while not improving much over episode 4, promises that the 3DMM Evil Series will keep being released and keep being improved upon in later releases. Review by Andrew Salter.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
3dmm Evil - Episode 5 [4.78 MB]
3dmm Evil - Episode 6
Directed by: Klaymen
Released: August 2005
Preview Klaymen
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
3dmm Evil - Episode 6 [4.86 MB]