Ban the Helper
Directed by: Luis Badano
Released: February 2001
Preview More entertaining work from Luis Badano. A cat finds itself stuck up a tree and its owner calls for help - and Ban (Luis, it's his nickname you see) comes to the rescue. Kinda. This little short film contains a Matrix-esque combat sequence between the cat and Ban A great job from Luis.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Ban the Helper [587 KB]
Intergalactic War
Directed by: Luis Badano
Released: October 2000
Preview A battle movie with a hint of drama to it, this is the debut film of this new director all the way from Argentina. Don't cry for me, Argentina. Ahem. Anywayyy... this movie is pretty good for a first effort but the battle is too short & could have been done better. Quite reasonable explosions though! As this is the first in a series, I'm sure things will improve in later movies.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Intergalactic War [1.59 MB]
Intergalactic War 2
Directed by: Luis Badano
Released: November 2000
Preview Much improved from the first episode. Like the original in the sense that it has Spanish voices with English subtitles but this isn't really that annoying, in fact the foreign language speech is a nice chance in my view! Anyway, there is no use of Misty City here; just some very nice handmade scenes and animation.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Intergalactic War 2 [2.33 MB]
Intergalactic War 3
Directed by: Luis Badano
Released: November 2000
Preview The concluding part in this sci-fi miniseries featuring the final showdown between the robots and the heroes. Some amazing stuff here and good ideas such as the use of split-screen technique and some nice-looking scenes for newbie work with plenty of detail in many. What an amazing piece of work from a new director, very promising. Despite the fact the voices being in Spanish? Maybe Mexican? I apologise for my lack of knowledge in languages... getting on with it... sub titles are included. The animation is well done, and the slow motion effects were used well, one thing I didn't get was the 'freak on a leash' part. There is a small bloopers part at the end, and because of it, I think I know the word for 'cut' in Spanish/Mexican, CORTES! It continues the battle of the humans against the robots and never gets boring being very fast-paced and featuring animation with a certain wow-factor. Though there are some scenes that are simple in construction, for the most part the movie is eye-candy; and Senor Badano obviously loves his explosions since there are even more in this one than the last one but they're great to watch. Other effects such as snow, dust-clouds and the like are also included with successful results. I'm looking forward to the on-going series and think that, for a newbie, this is some of the best work I've seen in a long time. Now if only all our movies had these sorts of effects! The only negative thing is that maybe future episodes could have better plots; a love interest, rivalry amongst the heroes or something to add some dimension to the characters.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Intergalactic War 3 [5.52 MB]
Directed by: Luis Badano
Released: November 2000
Preview A moderately entertaining movies. It's called 'Joke' and a good joke at that. Heh heh heh. Final Verdict: Good for a chuckle.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Joke [93 KB]
Sniper at Bryn's HQ, The
Directed by: Luis Badano
Released: May 2001
Preview This was one of the first movies I ever added to the site, back in the days of design stage 2 (see 'about' section). Somewhere along the line though, the review got 'misplaced' in the mess of what was my old cataloging system. I thought it was about time I added the movie to the site properly again. A very good sniper movie from Ban here, and for a sniper movie it's quite epic too; but the runtime is only like 5-6 minutes or so. Well anyway, it's very well detailed and in most places well animated too. Some scenes are a tad dodgy and the lack of music and sound effects generally through lets it down a little. However, it's very well done, it's certainly funny, and it ends on a definite high note with some genuinely funny speech bloopers at the end. They made me laugh aloud anyway's. A definite download, and a good revitalisation for the sniper movie genre.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Sniper at Bryn's HQ, The [1.76 MB]