3dmm Wars Teaser
Directed by: Marc Sola
Released: August 2001
Preview This movie looks like it will be excellent... perhaps a little clich? though. From what I gathered, the movie is going to be about 2 teams of 3dmm veteran's, battling it out. The scenery I saw, looked awesome, as did all the props. Character animation was smooth and fluid, and I can't fault it anywhere. The music playing in the background fitted perfectly, and sound effects were perfectly synchronised. There were also some very nice text effects used... Look out for this movie when it is released.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
3dmm Wars Teaser [467 KB]
Flato's 'I Know' Compilation
Directed by: Marc Sola
Released: January 2001
Preview This 'I Know' compilation is a series of animated deaths inspired by Will Maltby's original series. While some deaths are well done and the animation sometimes above average, we've seen this sort of thing done better before.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Flato's 'I Know' Compilation [764 KB]