Apfigur's Very Own Magazine #1
Directed by: Martin Hagrot
Released: May 2004
Preview Here we have some sort of joke movie, and that's a good thing, when it comes from Apfigure. His very unique sense of humor will put a smile across your face, and if not, make you laugh out loud on several occasions. The animation was mediocre, as were most other aspects of the film, but the voices were what kept my attention. Dramatically, once again mediocre, but when it comes to humor, they were top notch! I highly recommend this movie if you're very bored and feel like a nice chuckle.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Apfigur's Very Own Magazine #1 [1.24 MB]
Apfigur's Very Own Magazine #2
Directed by: Martin Hagrot
Released: July 2004
Preview Much better than the last, and like the last, most of the laughs come at the end. So if you can sit through Super Chicken Girl's incredibly painful 379 frames, you'll get a good laugh. Original and fun, I highly recommend this movie for the silly child in all of us.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Apfigur's Very Own Magazine #2 [1.82 MB]
Groctor Gruff
Directed by: Martin Hagrot
Released: August 2003
Preview Here we have a unique little treasure. The most original 3dmm movie I have ever seen in my whole entire life. I really enjoyed this, the scenery was unique and artsy, which kept my interest. The soundtrack was superb, all songs somehow fit perfectly in an awkward sort of way. The plot, goofy and thin, made me smile. How the characters reacted to everything, and their overall rareness, was like nothing I've seen before. Overall, a silly yet unique film, I recommend watching this movie if you want something new.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Groctor Gruff [1.92 MB]
Groctor Gruff 2
Directed by: Martin Hagrot
Released: September 2003
Preview Well Gr. Gruff and the gang are at it again! This time Gregor decides to spread the news of communism and its up to Gr. Gruff and Little Python to stop him. Much in the style of Digouts this is very random humor based and it is done really well. I was laughing throughout much of the movie. The quirkiness also added to the humor and the odd, comical movements were well animated. The music fit well, even though I can't pronounce most of the bands names. Overall a well done and entertaining comedy. I'd definitely recommend this to those who liked Gr. Gruff 1 and the Digout movies.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Groctor Gruff 2 [2.86 MB]
Groctor Gruff 3
Directed by: Martin Hagrot
Released: December 2003
Preview Christmas 03 Film Festival movie #2. Three? There have been another two? I've never heard of them. Hmm.. I'll have to track those down. EDIT: Tracked down! (see above). This is a crazy ass Swedish movie, much the same as Digouts. It's all incredibly random, and in parts quite funny. Some bits I really didn't get, which kind of undid any humor before-hand. The crazy scenery and quirky characters were cool though. It's good, but just too fuckin' silly...
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Groctor Gruff 3 [5.81 MB]