Annual Movie Making Competition 2
Directed by: Mathieu Riley
Released: March 2003
Preview Number 2? I don't ever remember there being a first one! Anyway's, this is an original idea for a movie, where each contestant must create a movie with no more or no less than 333 frames. These mini-movies are then compiled into one and played consecutively. It is then up to members of the community to vote for the best entry. You can do that here. This years participants were Tom Braithwaite, Gavin Owers and Mathieu Riley. It could have be really cool if so many people who said they would make an entry actually did. There's always next year...
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Annual Movie Making Competition 2 [1.65 MB]
Directed by: Mathieu Riley
Released: January 2004
Preview If anyone can show just how much Doraemon can help your movies, it's Cheezemaster. Unfortunately, the use of the underrated expansion has made sure that this movie doesn't get the attention it deserves. This is a huge shame, as this movie is great. Cheeze uses the Doraemon expansion to great effect, using its props to make car dashboards and giant teddies, among many other things. The scenery is great, and the animation is good too. But by far the best thing of this movie is the plot. Is is quite probably the most complex plot ever made in 3dmm, and is pulled off perfectly. The voice acting by Super Chicken Girl and Jaymond is also near-perfect as well. Overall, this is an awesome film, and a showcase of how much the Doraemon expansion could help the community if they could just give it a chance.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Rouge [3.82 MB]
Round Zero
Directed by: Mathieu Riley
Released: December 2002
Preview Another Film Festival movie. Hightly original and enjoyable with great animation and scenery. I wasn't expecting the movie to end when it did - I was hoping for it to go on a little longer! Still, a great movie. Oh and I love those boxing gloves...
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Round Zero [2.39 MB]