Alright... Here's an interesting movie. By interesting, I of course mean 'omfg its teh gay', but ANYWAYS... Here's the run-down: It starts off making you think it'll be a really good movie, 'cause there's all this fancy intro lettering animations, company logos crap, etc. And then the rest is pretty dumb. Until the credits. Then it gets good again 'cause the credits have fancy animated lettering too. Yeah... well okay I'm not really being fair; the movie itself has some pretty decent custom made scenes, and the animation itself wasn't bad at all, such as when the check is opened. Story-wise, it wasn't all that funny. There were a few things that kinda made me chuckle, mostly the "Patrick Killer 3000" at the end. The music was steady and boring, and I felt like I was watching a cutscene from some old Duke Nukem game. Well... I've never even played it before... but whatever. Voice acting was mediocore. The best voice I heard was that of The Director, so he gets a boy scout's sticker. And they made subtitles in the default comic sans font, on annoying backround colours, and that got to be a pain too; gave it too much of a n00b feel. So yeah, nothing too special here, but the effort is acknowledged, so download it when you have nothing else to do. |