Directed by: Nick The Almighty
Released: August 2001
Preview A very nice and very short from Nick here and a movie I've been meaning to re-add for quite some time now (somehow, I didn't add it when I redesigned the site). I can't really comment on the content because doing so would spoil the effect - it really is that short. Needless to say; it's animated well with simple but effective scenery. Well worth watching as it's so repeatable.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
B-Break [208 KB]
Fear Element
Directed by: Nick The Almighty
Released: August 2001
Preview A very stylised piece of work here. The movie is a kind of game show spoof that turns out a lot better than one might think. You can tell this movie was a bit rushed but still worth the download. The comedy is great right from the start and the animation can only compliment it. They only bad bit really though, was that some of the scenes, although fitted the movie, but could have been better.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Fear Element [1.08 MB]
Pointless Action Movie
Directed by: Nick The Almighty
Released: April 2001
Preview Forget 'Pointless Action Movie', this is a brilliant action movie. The animation is slickly done and the scenery is quite nice too. Nick has concentrated on bringing new special effects into 3dmm - there are some very clever reflections and such like. It's a shame really because only the senior 3dmmers will appreciate the high detail Nick has achieved here. The fast pace and hand made characters make this one damn fine movie, probably THE best action movie of this year so far.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Pointless Action Movie [3.10 MB]
Pointless Action Movie 2 (unfinished)
Directed by: Nick The Almighty
Released: December 2001
Preview PAM 1 was a massive hit throughout the community - people loved it, and it kicked off a semi-trend for other PAM-type movies. Tragically unfinished due to XP compatibility issues on Nicks computer, PAM 2 still shines as a quality movie and just as the original did, pushing the limitations of 3dmm further and showing off a load of new effects. The movie uses no sound effects other than the very nicely fitting backing track 'Crawling' by Linkin Park. Usually, this can either make or break a movie; luckily Nick has managed to pull it off. Even though it is unfinished this is still one hell of a watch and shouldn't be missed! Download...
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Pointless Action Movie 2 (unfinished) [3.25 MB]
Wrestlemania 2000
Directed by: Nick The Almighty
Released: January 2000
Preview Many years ago, this movie was hailed for it's humor, fun factor, even animation, which in that day exceeded the 3dmm standards. Today, it would be receiving horrible reviews, and most people wouldn't even sit through it. So, I guess this film'll get a combination of today's score, along with that "classic film leeway" score, based on how it was at the time of release.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Wrestlemania 2000 [5.56 MB]
Wrestlemania 3000
Directed by: Nick The Almighty
Released: April 2000
Preview This time with crowds and multiple piece scenery! This movie brings a little something to everyone's table. Wrestling fans will love to see their favorite moves in 3dmm. Off topic goers will love to see their friends and peers get brawled by each other. And 3dmmers, in the day, would have loved the animation, and today, will enjoy seeing how things once were. I personally enjoyed this, and feel you will to if you're looking for a laugh.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Wrestlemania 3000 [6.82 MB]
Wrestlemania 4000
Directed by: Nick The Almighty
Released: July 2000
Preview Wow, quite a nice surprise here for a wrestling movie with great intro's and moves that would. Nick pioneer's creative use of graphics in this movie, namely the crowds. He managed to give the illusion of thousands of people watching the event since your really just focusing on the characters. Each wrestler in the movie is a community member. Fantastic animation. Download.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Wrestlemania 4000 [7.59 MB]
Wrestlemania 5000
Directed by: Nick The Almighty
Released: September 2001
Preview Finally, its here! After nearly a year of hype, Nick has released the final episode in his wrestling series, and suffice to say, it doesn't disappoint. For those who are new to the community, 3dmm or just don't know what Wrestlemania is, its a wrestling show that includes several community members, in one huge scrap 'em-up, fighting to the death. As with most of Nicks movies, the animation is superb, and the music that accompanies each character fits very well. In Wrestlemainia 5000 (WM5K) Nick makes use of his excellent crowd effect, making it appear that the Wrestling arena is literally packed with thousands of spectators. This is one of THE best 3dmm movies out there - trust me. However, sadly, this is the last movie from Nick, and to make matters worse, he is, in a way leaving the community. His Internet connection has been terminated, and wont be reinstated until he gets a job and pays for it himself. His parents are cheap. A utterly spellbinding movie, which shouldn't be missed... by anyone!
Overall rating: 10/10 Download
Wrestlemania 5000 [13.18 MB]