Batman: The Dark Night Episode 1
Directed by: Ray Laferriere
Released: July 1999
Preview Batman, in 3D Movie Maker! This was a top movie in it's day. I'm surprised more people haven't done this type of thing since. Anyway... the movie has an original storyline (as far as I know, because I never watched the actual Batman show), and there's the usual affair of good guy vs bad guy, but with a few twists and turns. There is good use of music in the scenes you're supposed to pay attention to which I realised was stolen from Austin Powers, but it fits the mood of the movie really well. The animation and scenery is average, but for this type of movie it doesn't matter too much. The movie seems a little dated now-a-days, but you can tell that the director went to a lot of effort with this movie.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Batman: The Dark Night Episode 1 [2.20 MB]
Batman: The Dark Night Episode 2
Directed by: Ray Laferriere
Released: August 1999
Preview This kicks off from the cliffhanger ending the first Batman movie left us with. Again, the story is interesting, with a quirky concept. The dialogue fits this movie well. This time the movie delves into some comedy and light-hearted moments which pop up amidst the drama and action/adventure. Unfortunately, a few factors let this film down. The animation was often too fast to catch what was going on and the scenery was very basic. Even so, a 3dmm classic.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Batman: The Dark Night Episode 2 [6.67 MB]