00Dee Boned
Directed by: Russel Stepan
Released: February 2004
Preview Hahaha. A true classic. Even if the scenery and animation is pretty obviously dated this movie can't fail to make you laugh. The jokes and the whole James Bond spoof theme is probably some of the best I've seen. The movie takes place after 3dmm's default movie, Secret Message, so you should see that to understand what's going on here. Maybe not as good as the other Dee Bonedses, but a nice watch if you're a fan of the series.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
00Dee Boned [2.94 MB]
00Dee Boned 2: The World is Way Too Big
Directed by: Russel Stepan
Released: August 2004
Preview Slightly less impressive than the first Dee Boned due to the lack of voices - an issue that curses the series until it makes a stunning comeback in Venison Jelly. Dee Boned 2 is just as impressive and splendidly humorous as it's predecessor with jokes, action sequences and... some kind of Karate Man thing going on the middle. Don't know what that was about, but download if you liked the first one.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
00Dee Boned 2: The World is Way Too Big [7.46 MB]
00Dee Boned 3: Golden Pie
Directed by: Russel Stepan
Released: August 2004
Preview Like the first two Dee Boned movies, 'Golden Pie' features more of the same gags and Bond jokes, but this time with a huge improvement in the animation and scenery departments. Although sadly unfinished, after watching this movie I had to see the doctor about my split sides. Ouch. A guaranteed laugh, I tell you, and if you haven't already, download it dammit!
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
00Dee Boned 3: Golden Pie [6.39 MB]
00Dee Boned: Rotisserie Chicken
Directed by: Russel Stepan
Released: February 2004
Preview Another installment in the Dee Boned series, this episode of Dee Boned's classic capers focuses around his pretty pointless but nicely done action sequence around a skate park, with hilarious consequences. Like most of Russel's movies, this one is complete slapstick comedy, and works really well, too. The kinda basic graphics and pretty lame text boxes bring this movie's score down a bit though. Maybe not as funny as 'You Only Live Until You Die', but a nice rival to it.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
00Dee Boned: Rotisserie Chicken [1.41 MB]
00Dee Boned: Venison Jelly
Directed by: Russel Stepan
Released: October 2004
Preview Russel Stepan has truly proved his superiority in animating a fun and thoroughly entertaining movie with this sixth installment in the classic 'Dee Boned' series. From start to finish the spit and polish on this movie never ceases to amaze as you watch special agent Double-Oh Dee Boned find a way to clear his name after being framed from stealing the chiefs sandwich. It's all very fast-paced, but beautifully made and a real godsend to animation. Go go, Russel!
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
00Dee Boned: Venison Jelly [6.29 MB]
00Dee Boned: You Only Live Until You Die
Directed by: Russel Stepan
Released: January 2004
Preview The next Dee Boned episode takes the total joke of insanely pointless but highly dangerous action missions to a new level, as Dee Boned undergoes a risky job in washing the chief's laundry. Speechless, senseless and comedy-wise flawless, this Dee Boned adventure is a definite wheeze if you laugh at stupid things. Nice stuff, Russel.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
00Dee Boned: You Only Live Until You Die [989 KB]
Hobo Talk
Directed by: Russel Stepan
Released: May 2003
Preview The best part of this job is being able to rip apart people's movies. However, in a movie such as this, I don't have to, let me just go over the facts of this movie for you. One, it's not funny, not even at all. Two, the credits go for over 75% of the movie. Three, the producers claim to be 14 and have deep voices. From this I believe you can make your own judgment, here's mine however:
Overall rating: 1/10 Download
Hobo Talk [803 KB]
Hobo Talk 2
Directed by: Russel Stepan
Released: April 2004
Preview The sequel to Russel's short, 'Hobo Talk'. This one is alot more funny and has a slight storyline to it. Obviously, as the title suggests, there are loads of jokes in it that take the piss out of tramps/hobos - much like Will Cheyney's 'Bobz Bar' movies. Jokes such as drinking piss instead of for lemonade, stealing peoples wallets and using their money as toilet paper (why they don't just keep the money I really don't know), celebrating over a whole used condom etc. etc. - the list goes on. There's a funny ending leaving us with a small cliffhanger at the end. A enjoyable movie with jokes, gore and some average hand made scenery, and like the first Hobo Talk, it takes place in the alleyway in 3dmm's very own Misty City. A recommended download if you want a good laugh!
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Hobo Talk 2 [3.60 MB]
Hobo Talk 3
Directed by: Russel Stepan
Released: November 2004
Preview The third in the series to Hobo Talk, here. Russel picks up the story from where Hobo Talk 2 left off. Joe returns from Canada only to find some big changes have happened to his beloved ally. Additions include a Sex-Bot 2000 (or 5000, I cant remember), a gold bin, plumbing (oh my god!) and the latest addition to the hobo gang, CarneBob, complete with his split personality, Bill. With more jokes, new faces and big surprises, Hobo Talk 3 will really make you laugh if you enjoyed the previous movies in the series. Download instantly!
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Hobo Talk 3 [5.94 MB]