Espirit de Corps
Directed by: Sergon
Released: September 2003
Preview Oh yes, I am a HUGE fan of Sergon's work and this release by him was a total surprise for me. This is defiantly the movie of the best Film Festival so far! As we have come to expect from Sergon, he has done an excellent job in directing a cool and involving movie yet again. The plot is strong. A guy called Jack is part of an international secret team who deals with various terrorists around the world. The film is divided into two perspectives. In the very beginning Jack actually confronts a group of terrorist and later on he is the one who's actually telling. Its this framework and excellent direction that gives this movie a solid story. With a great story comes great characters, this is no exception. The main character Jack is brilliantly put characterised. The viewer gets the know Jack's feelings, fears and how he operates in the field. Sound wise this movie is amazing too. A wide variety of music is continuously playing, backing the great on-screen action. From a jazzy kind of intro to full on orchestral music towards the end. Great sound effects, awesome voice acting and strong dialogue. Overall this movie is fantastic. It deserves a high rating so that's exactly what I'm going to give it.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Espirit de Corps [5.97 MB]
Espirit de Corps - Special Edition
Directed by: Sergon
Released: February 2004
Preview Like the 'regular edition' of this movie, this is brilliant stuff. There are obvious signs of a great director and clear knowledge of 3dmm, with some awesome camera angles and 'panning' around the creative scenery and hand-made props, including quite nifty shadowing. The vocal acting and music is also very fitting for the film. To me, it was a bit of a pointless action movie but slightly less of the 'pointless' factor than usual as there was actually a decent plot. A tad drawn out for my liking, but it really was a great film. There is nothing new in this special edition of the movie, it's what comes bundled with it that has changed. Included in this download are pre-release screenshots, posters, storyboards, scripts, reviews, trailers and unused sounds. All in all, it's a very nicely crafted package. A highly recommended download. Review by Richard Bevis.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Espirit de Corps - Special Edition [12.06 MB]
Grinning Moon
Directed by: Sergon
Released: October 2002
Preview Simply WOW. Definitely movie of the update, This reaks quality and the suspension will kill you. Scenery is more than detailed. The voices are scarce but are all believable and clear. The plot is simply but extremely effective as the main characters thinks he's being followed. When I started watching this movie I saw the good start and I was hoping that the quality continued throughout. And apart from a really long pause, It was fine. A brilliant creative movie. The music was original and very fitting for the action. Note you will need the Doraemon Expansion pack to view this movie. Download it now!
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Grinning Moon [1.44 MB]
Grinning Moon: Second Edition
Directed by: Sergon
Released: July 2003
Preview We loved the original released sometime around Halloween 2002. This second edition of the movie makes some minor improvements to the script and scenery. It also removes the necessity to have the Doraemon expansion pack installed. It's short, exciting, dark and soulless - it's very well executed. If you haven't yet seen this movie, download it, and if you've already seen it, download it again!
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Grinning Moon: Second Edition [1.56 MB]
King, The
Directed by: Sergon
Released: May 2003
Preview Red Star Pictures presents Sergons latest imaginative action/drama piece. The movie shows the ever-growing guilt felt by a king when his country becomes involved in a war and his people die in battle solely to protect him. It's an original idea that extremely works well, helped by the directors excellent use of camera, scenery and animation. The voice acting was a little soulless in places, but on the whole, a pretty good job was made. An excellent movie with stunning effects - a recommended download.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
King, The [3.85 MB]
Urban Warrior
Directed by: Sergon
Released: August 2001
Preview An action movie based around Urban Warfare sounds like your standard gang violence movie, doesn
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Urban Warrior [6.25 MB]