French Teacher Preview 3, The
Directed by: Sins of McZee
Released: August 2001
Preview WOW! I can't wait for this movie to come out. It looks totally amazing. What can I say, it has a plot, great animation, superb scenery, excellent voice talents, and ITS NEARLY DONE! October the 31st is it's scheduled release date and it can't come soon enough. The movie is a mix of several genres, including: drama, romance and horror. This preview just makes you want to watch the movie. It's that good. Everything just fits together perfectly - especially the music and dramatic voice talents. Download now, to find out what it's all about. Oh, and a couple of other definite downloads, are the first and second previews. I can't wait!
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
French Teacher Preview 3, The [1.17 MB]