Daddy's House
Directed by: Jeremy Dick, Spencer Crabb
Released: August 2003
Preview Forget high quality scenery! Forget interesting characters! Forget a good soundtrack! This movie hasn't any of the above but still it made me laugh out loud! This is your typical light-hearted, old school, chain movie directed by Jeremy Dick and Spencer Crabb - when they were bored. Annoyingly, there is no ending cause they hadn't time to finish it, and perhaps it doesn't really belong in a Film Festival, but it's a nice change from the more serious movies.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Daddy's House [1.88 MB]
Ghost in the Shell
Directed by: Redwampa, Spencer Crabb
Released: October 2003
Preview After over two years in the works Ghost In A Shell (GITS) is finally here. To be honest, I often doubted it's completion. Redwampa & Spencer Crabb have finished their epic joint-venture movie set one year after the events in the original anime. With a runtime of around an hour, I think credit needs to be given to the directors dedication and consistency of quality throughout. Don't be put off by the long runtime because you'll quite happily watch it all the way through in one go, it really is that good. In every aspect, this movie excels itself. The music was overall fitting and often enjoyable. The dialogue was well written, and performed by some of the community's greatest voice actors. It all looks and moves beautifully too, creating an excellent mood. One of the best directed and executed movies in a long time. Fantastic job.
Overall rating: 10/10 Download
Ghost in the Shell [29.78 MB]
Ghost in the Shell Preview
Directed by: Redwampa, Spencer Crabb
Released: October 2001
Preview The scenery was the first thing that struck me about this movie. It has very detailed and well animated places. The preview seemed more like a teaser, but it was well thought out and compiled of almost professional quality. If you are looking for an example of how to do an amazing teaser, then look no further. I simply cannot wait for this movie.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Ghost in the Shell Preview [662 KB]
Hard to Kill
Directed by: Spencer Crabb
Released: July 2001
Preview Very enjoyable and neatly animated film by Crabb. This movie wasn't continued (or so I've heard) and I want it to due to the fact that I enjoyed watching it and the action was great and it still sustained a plot at the same time. It's also pretty old and I think it's still very cool and I've watched it almost 10 times.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Hard to Kill [4.07 MB]
Homeland 2
Directed by: Spencer Crabb
Released: July 2001
Preview What was originally a moderately cute little picture with a few rough edges about a fat guy who single-handedly took over an entire neighbourhood has turned into a parody of itself. The sequel is nothing but the same kind of formula - enslavement of populace, randomly-placed guns, fat people, etc - but a lot worse. Maybe watch if you're especially bored. Review by Will Bamber.
Overall rating: 2/10 Download
Homeland 2 [2.58 MB]
Last Butt Session, The
Directed by: Spencer Crabb
Released: September 2000
Preview An old retaliation-of-a-hate-movie flick by Spencer Crabb's, inspired by abuse from Matt and Jon. I remember at the time is was very funny. I guess no one new will understand it; I can't believe this is 5 years old! I hadn't been in the community that long around this time. I always found it odd though that every hate movie happened to have gay humour in. Why don't people make hate movies now-a-days? Review by Will Cheyney.
Overall rating: 3/10 Download
Last Butt Session, The [2.15 MB]
Last Man Standing, The
Directed by: Spencer Crabb, Evan Strobel
Released: June 2001
Preview This was a large download back in 2001... 9MB on an unreliable 56k? Impossible! Though this was better than a lot of the rubbish being release around this time, I guess you could call this one of those early emerging PAM defining genre movies, much in the style of DD's 'cinematography'. Watching this does get a little tiring, especially when the movies action is nothing more than mediocre. However, it is more interesting to watch than alot of other action movie, and the plot, though straight forward, is enough to keep you interested. Love it or hate it. Review by Will Cheyney.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Last Man Standing, The [8.87 MB]
Nuclear Dawn
Directed by: Spencer Crabb, Evan Strobel
Released: December 2002
Preview A very very decent action movie here from two very talented directors. The first thing that struck me about this movie was the brilliant soundtrack accompanying the action, very fitting and exciting. The plot is fairly standard but the camera angles and characterisation makes it good to watch. The voices are also good, although some were not as easy to hear as others. Overall a very good movie with enough excitement to satisfy anyone. Download now.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Nuclear Dawn [8.80 MB]
Sniper at Midbackman's Mansion, The
Directed by: Spencer Crabb
Released: August 2000
Preview This... is really bad. Not even funny, just very unentertaining. The pre-pubic voice acting doesn't help, and the scenery and animation is low-par. Basically it's just about Midback getting shot in the head by Spencer. Seriously, that is it. Don't bother with this, it's not worth your time. Review by Will Bamber.
Overall rating: 1/10 Download
Sniper at Midbackman's Mansion, The [969 KB]
Spencer Crabb Compilation
Directed by: Spencer Crabb
Released: July 2001
Preview An assortment of Spencer's movies up to 2001. Mostly action, but some other genres too. The scenery is good for back then and the animation is great. The movies also looked good. Overall a nice compilation by one of 3dmm's top animators. Review by Tom Bown.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Spencer Crabb Compilation [1.81 MB]