Directed by: Stanley Pennant
Released: March 2001
Preview Short battle movie from Stanley Pennant which is quite enjoyable though the animation effects aren't always the highest caliber: it is over much too quickly also. Quite good however and well worth the download.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Eradication [676 KB]
Mission Impossible: Termination (unfinished)
Directed by: Stanley Pennant
Released: January 2001
Preview This was Stan's very first movie but will definitely not be finished. Normally, widescreen is okay but this is ridiculous. Animation otherwise ok. The Limp Bizkit MI Theme - very cool. Looks like it could have been good judging from the stuff in the intro.
Overall rating: 2/10 Download
Mission Impossible: Termination (unfinished) [1.47 MB]
Tealcs Goodbye
Directed by: Stanley Pennant
Released: March 2001
Preview This movie is pretty damn impressive considering that it took him an hour. He made it because his parents are stopping him using the internet and making him do work. Well Stan you're a good director and it's so sad to hear you've gone. He returns once in awhile when he can get online somewhere. This movie is decent enough, but it does the job of makling him look cool 'saving' the community from a flood.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Tealcs Goodbye [711 KB]