How to Save the World
Directed by: Thomas Saville
Released: November 2004
Preview A very 'cute' fairwell movie from Thomas. It's tragic to see such a brilliant writer, voice actor and director leave the community. We're assured that this isn't a direct sequel to 'The Knights of Camelot', but instead, a 7-minute short including the same characters, etc etc. One quiet night after completing all their kitchen chores, the sink starts talking to Sir Bugger and Sir Flodbottom. Guessing that the noise is coming from the dungeons they go and investigate. OK actually, I'm gonna stop there - I wont say anymore than that so I do not to ruin it for you. Rest assured though, it is an extremely good watch :o) It is humorous throughout and it never became a bore - I particularly liked the continuation of the correction joke, 'Time of Old' to 'Times of Now'. The voice acting/dialogue was spot-on and Tom's stylised HMCs and glorious scenery will never grow old. The only niggle I have with is that because I waned to enjoy it so much, the first time I watched I missed a lot of the lines! A definite download.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
How to Save the World [2.76 MB]
Jorrit's Birthday
Directed by: Fredrick Arnoy, Thomas Saville
Released: December 2003
Preview Keeping in with the EP tradition of making fellow members a special birthday message movie, Fred and Tom have released this for Jorrit's 21st. Featuring the Fred, Tom, Jorrit and an inflatable Stalin; hilarity ensues. Hehehe!
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Jorrit's Birthday [377 KB]
Knights of Camelot, The
Directed by: Thomas Saville
Released: April 2004
Preview Well, well, well... This movie has been in the works for almost 4 years now I think. The amount of work that has gone into this is obvious right from the outset. The continuity of quality throughout is commendable. I was expecting it to run for a little longer than it did though, as I found it a little short. Perhaps this is purely a sign of how much I enjoyed it though! Tom took a bit of a risk when opting to make a movie with an entirely handmade character cast. Many directors start out with good intentions but quickly loose steam as they discover how much work animating a HMC is. The animation either becomes sloppy or the movie is released 'unfinished'. I'm now under the assumption that Tom, like my is a bit of a perfectionist. All the animation is slick, smooth and fluid. I found that the well-worked animation assisted the conveyance of the movies genuinely funny humor. I haven't chuckled so much over a 3d movie for a long time. The British humor is spot-on. It's silly, it's witty, it's cool. Everyone should download this immediately.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Knights of Camelot, The [8.17 MB]
Space Station Alpha
Directed by: Thomas Saville
Released: April 2003
Preview This movie provokes a mixed reaction for me. For a start, it was obviously very well done. Tom did an excellent job on the scenery, he is nearly as good as his fellow teammate Jorrit in my opinion. The animation was slick throughout the whole film, which made it nice to watch. I was also a big fan of the sound, the voice acting especially was good. However, some things ruin it for me. About halfway through, the plot became a bit vague, and I was left wondering what the heck was going on. Some of the graphical effects were kind of lame as well. Overall, this is an interesting movie that is worth at least one watch.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Space Station Alpha [7.14 MB]