Bubba's Shit Movie Showcase Rip-off
Directed by: Tom Simpson
Released: July 2001
Preview I have to admit, I have never watched one of Harris' "Shit Movie Showcase" compilations, so I'm not in a position to compare the two. If this movie works in the same way as Harris' do, various, amazingly pathetic movies are analysed by a voice over, describing why the movie is shit - critising various, if not all the techniques used (i.e. long pauses in dialogue, over lapping of character, sketchy animation and poor text effects). Had it not been for 3dmm.co.uk's downloads being down, I would have downloaded one of the Shit Movie Showcase episodes, thus giving you a much more accurate review... but, c'est la vie! As the movie is constantly being analysed, the movie kind of reviews itself, so I'm not going to give this movie a rating.
Overall rating: 1/10 Download
Bubba's Shit Movie Showcase Rip-off [1.53 MB]
Directed by: Tom Simpson
Released: September 2001
Preview Last update, I reviewed two appalling movies from Tom (Noo Noo and Doo Doo 1 & 2), and another preview for his upcoming movie McBain, which look a lot more promising. The slapstick featuring the comical Austrian hero from the Simpson's - Mcbain, stars in his very own 3D movie. The jokes weren't bad, and I liked the way how it closely reassembled the actual humor of McBain in the Simpsons. The scenery was custom made throughout, some of which was very nice. It appears that Tom is getting better at making 'funny' movies in 3dmm...
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
McBain [3.29 MB]
McBain Trailer
Directed by: Tom Simpson
Released: August 2001
Preview It seems that Tom is quite busy using 3dmm. I mean, in one update, I have 4 movies of his. However, none of them are really that good (have a look at the horrors of the Noo Noo + Doo Doo series). There may be a little light at the end of the tunnel though. Enter McBain. Yes you've got it, the comical Austrian hero from the Simpson's stars in his very own 3D movie. This trailer does very little, other than to let us know that such a movie exists, and is in production. Therefore I can't really tell you what it is about... just expect a comedy rather than a high octane action romp. If Tom can get the humor right, this could be a winner.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
McBain Trailer [588 KB]
Noo Noo and Doo Doo
Directed by: Tom Simpson
Released: December 2000
Preview Noo Noo and Doo Doo. Hmmmm. To be honest, I wasn't really expecting much from this, simply because of the ridiculous title. My suspicions were confirmed when I started to watch it. To put it nicely, the story was shit. A story revolving around a couple of babies being thrown out by their parents for beating up another baby in their family because they were jealous of them, and then when they grow up they do some drugs and end up going to Mars and almost getting raped by aliens when Flash Gordon saves them, *breathes* isn't exactly my cup of tea. It is quite simply, stupid and boring to watch. All the voices were bad. Think chipmunk with a cactus shoved up its ass. Finally, when I thought all was lost, I did see a couple of quite nice custom scenes *phew*. But, to my horror, the credits reveled to me that they were stolen from Apocalypse by Robert Domke. Nightmare. Quite literally - trash.
Overall rating: 1/10 Download
Noo Noo and Doo Doo [5.11 MB]
Noo Noo and Doo Doo 2
Directed by: Tom Simpson
Released: June 2001
Preview After the first monstrosity (see above), I though perhaps the second may be an improvement on the first, be hell, was I wrong. Noo Noo + Doo Doo 2 is even worse than the first... that is possible right?! From what I gathered, someone jumped into a bush had a baby, and then, obviously(!?), go and kill Will Maltby...?! Again, the voices were crap so was the animation, and there was the odd scene which was quite nice - but no doubt stolen from other peoples films. On top of that, there is a hefty 5MB download! Avoid like the plague.
Overall rating: 1/10 Download
Noo Noo and Doo Doo 2 [4.63 MB]
Directed by: Tom Simpson
Released: November 2001
Preview Psycho. Tom's first attempt at a drama, but it struggles make any sort of sense. Our main character (played by Jeff Ching) is haunted by visions of his past (namely, his father killing his mother), and his life goes into a downhill spiral after his best friend dies in a military mission. After that, he goes "psycho", apparently. There were plenty of glitches dotted throughout the movies aswell. For example, inside the tank, the characters swap seats when the camera angle changes. It's the little things like this which build up and make the movie seem very clumsy. There are many other downers too, including poor sound effects during action sequences, and the regular distinct lack of music to accompany the 'dramatic' sequences. The dialogue throughout didn't 'flow' either. This quite simply ruined the movie, slowing it right down. Anyway enough of the bitching, are there any redeeming features? Well, overall, the animation was reasonable, and the scenery was nicely detailed in parts - but that's about it. A sloppy movie on the whole then, and a bit of a disappointment.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Psycho [2.84 MB]