3dmm Latenight
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma
Released: July 2001
Preview I have been meaning to add this movie to the archive for quite some time now... I have a lot of Tuna movies to add in-fact. Anyway's. 3dmm Latenight; it's probably one of, if not THE best 3dmm show ever done. It's funny, witty, it's well directed and the voice acting is done incredibly well. There are some very entertaining bits which caused much hilarity when it was released. It's a great watch, and it's credit to Tuna for turning the 3dmm community into a very real feeling show. 3dmm entertainment at its best.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
3dmm Latenight [5.38 MB]
Amazing Grace
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma
Released: December 2002
Preview The weird but wonderful world of the one and only fish never failed to surprise me. This is about as random as you can get. There's snow, some kid takes his sledge out and that's about all I can work out. Odd.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Amazing Grace [862 KB]
Big Worrior Dood
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma, Peacock
Released: June 2001
Preview Quite a well know movie actually. It's a little dated now, but the humor is still absolutely hilarious. Don't expect great scenery cause like I already said this is somewhat outdated - the the patented trademarks of THE fish are apparent throughout. Though the plot is quite thin, the characters are highly original. Download it and see for yourself. #2 is ever-so slowly in the works... Recommended.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Big Worrior Dood [2.09 MB]
Bird Sanctuary
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma
Released: September 2004
Preview Let's face it, you're either a Hematoma fan or your not. Some people love is quirky flair whereas others hate it. Bird Sanctuary is an interesting case. It has what is essentially a lot of potential, but it continuously shoots itself in the foot. Shoddy hand-made-characters and poorly drawn out pieces and even some default scenery making an unwelcome appearance (yes, I think it about time we said goodbye to the old defaults in anything that wants any credibility). Even the majority of the humor failed. Watching minutes of default character conversation wasn't too appealing back in '97, so it's no wonder that it has become unacceptable in today's age of 3D Movie Maker. To be fair to Tuna though, his voice acting is still impeccably good, and it did add a little extra something to the movie that wouldn't have otherwise been there. I was disappointed, but maybe you'll feel otherwise...
Overall rating: 4/10 Download
Bird Sanctuary [4.56 MB]
Blake Walker Funny Talker
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma
Released: June 2002
Preview Well this is actually more like a scene you could find in the animation gallery as opposed to a movie. It's incredibly short and it doesn't even have a plot. Why the hell Blake made this is a mystery to me - it's not even particularly funny. Just download this when you're really bored.
Overall rating: 1/10 Download
Blake Walker Funny Talker [141 KB]
Blatent Copy of Wouldn't It Be
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma
Released: September 2000
Preview This was an entry into one of Professor Spaz' old competitions, where each contestant has to make their own version of a 'Wouldn't It Be' movie. This was the winning entry and yet another showcase of Tuna's strange sense of humor - mostly voiced by himself. In this very short but quite funny movie, a spazzy professor goes to Tuna's house only to be tripped over by Gustave, have camera problems and get shot. A funny movie with OK'ish scenery. Review by Ben Rice.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Blatent Copy of Wouldn't It Be [390 KB]
Blatent Copy of Wouldn't It Be 2
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma
Released: July 2001
Preview This movie was also originally an entry into Spaz' 'make your own WIB movie' competition. I think I preferred the first episode to this one, but this one wasn't that bad in any case. This time round, the spazzy professor and professor 'Gay' interview Will Maltby on running 3dmm websites. Will goes crazy during the interview though. Something to make a note of though, Windows XP users may encounter a speech syncing problem towards the end of this movie - it barely matters though. The scenery was pretty bland but the voices remain as good as they ever do in a Tuna flick. Review by Ben Rice.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Blatent Copy of Wouldn't It Be 2 [492 KB]
DFT Crew, The
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma
Released: October 2001
Preview The winner of the 'Will Maltby's computer competition', as well as a 3dmm Studio exclusive! This entry for the competition was so great, I felt that it was a worthy of being added as a new movie as well. Nice animation (*gasp* moving camera in a Hematoma movie?!) and as you might expect from Tuna, great scenery. To tell anything more would probably ruin the film, and at such a nice small size, it is definitely worth the download. Top stuff.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
DFT Crew, The [764 KB]
Holy Poop it's Christmas
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma, Qaz Askew
Released: December 2000
Preview A short, old and random Christmas movie by Tuna and Qaz (normal Tuna style then!). Despite it being utterly pointless, I couldn't help but laugh at it - Tuna's sense of humour is an acquired taste, mind. Again, as-per-usual in a Tuna flick, the voice acting is what generally drives and fuels the humour. This is quite a funny movie, but you may find that you have trouble keeping up with what everyone is talking about. It's a worthy download if you like Tunas work, or if you just want a short laugh. Review by Ben Rice.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Holy Poop it's Christmas [1.85 MB]
Mom's Drunk and Dad's in Jail
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma
Released: June 2000
Preview Made a while ago, it is still worth a lot of laughs today telling the story of a guy's 'different' life so far. Great animation, great voices and a funny script makes this an all-time winner. Altogether, a very funny, yet slightly depressing movie from Tuna and Pearch. I was very impressed when I first saw this, good story. Final Verdict: Marvelous. When's the next one coming out, Tuna?
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Mom's Drunk and Dad's in Jail [1.07 MB]
Mom's Injured and Dad's in Intensive Care
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma
Released: August 2001
Preview This is the sequel to Mom's Drunk and Dad's in Jail by Tuna Hematoma. After having seen the first two 'episodes' and found them thorally entertaining, I found this not as funny. The movies is a bit short, and I didn't find myself laughing like I did with the previous ones. I also thought the ending was a little rushed too, which spoilt an already average movie. However, the movie contains some nice scenery. Nicely detailed and nicely composed. Not a terrible movie, but not great. Worth a look though.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Mom's Injured and Dad's in Intensive Care [1.40 MB]
Mom's Sober and Dad's on Probation
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma
Released: December 2000
Preview At long last a sequel to Tuna's great comedy. Terrific stuff although sadly could have been longer, I was enjoying it so much. Tuna certainly has excelled himself in this movie through his directing and acting skills. Final Verdict: A barrel of laughs, literally. Definite download.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Mom's Sober and Dad's on Probation [1.36 MB]
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma, Qaz Askew
Released: August 2002
Preview A beautifully told story of a recently deceased young man who goes back and retrospect's the last day of his life trying to figure out why he died at such a young age. He must examine his life, his friends and figure out how it all went wrong. This is an excellent movie. It contains very good scenery, moving camera and a brilliant plot. The standards of voice acting, although slightly muffled in places, are very good. It runs for a hefty 14 minutes, which is amazing in itself. The only thing I can criticise it of apart from the very colourful scenery, was the lack of sound effects for things like putting things on tables, or people talking in the background and footsteps. You can tell this was well thought out, a very intelligent movie. Best drama of 2002. DOWNLOAD NOW!
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Retrospection [5.86 MB]
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma
Released: February 2001
Preview OMFG, I love this movie! Oldie but goodie! Its still HILARIOUS. But then, I have a reaaaaaaaaaaaally screwed up sense of humor. I've never even seen the prequel, and half the movie didn't even make a whole lot of sense, but that's just it! Random humor! Tuna is hilarious, and his does the voices awesome - as well as all the other voice actors. The animation isn't the best but for its time, it was awesome. Well hey, it's pretty good by today's standards, too. Anyways if you want mondo laughs, then get this. If you don't want mondo laughs, then fuck you and get it anyways!
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Semsatia [8.10 MB]
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma
Released: July 1999
Preview Yet another very random 3dmm movie from Tuna, this time showing adverts for random things; a human toilet brush, a meaty cereal and a fart and burp buddy. The jokes are from Tunas wacky mind and really is SOMETHING you'd want to see for random 3dmm advertising or 3dmm randomness in general for that matter. The scenery was either default of oddly custom. The voices were pretty funny. If you like Tuna's sense of humor, I can recommend this movie - you'll love it! Review by Ben Rice.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
Something [2.31 MB]
True Matt McGowan, The
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma
Released: September 2000
Preview This is an actual chat conversation recorded by the director but is a disappointing debut: watching a still scene built around a pause until sound is ended system and nothing moving is uninteresting. And it's by Tuna and meant to more focus on the conversation than direction.
Overall rating: 5/10 Download
True Matt McGowan, The [1.02 MB]
True Mike Pfister, The
Directed by: Tuna Hematoma
Released: March 2001
Preview Alright I don't know if watching Semsatia kick-started my humor to the point of finding ANYTHING funny, but this movie was hilarious! Again, I know not everyone exactly shares my sense of humor, but Tuna is great, so is whoever this "Poofter" dude is. Technical stuff: Animation is perfect, since there's not a whole lot to animate. Scenery is very good, and lack of camera movement is no problem at all. As with all Tuna's stuff, the voice acting was superb, and hilarious. Yay! Skinned chickens for Tuna!
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
True Mike Pfister, The [1.35 MB]