5 Day Chain Movie: Henry Vs S'kelly, The
Directed by: Various community members
Released: October 2005
Preview Chain movies are indeed a lot of fun, and the crazy idea of the two most unused 3dmm characters ducking it out could only have come from the members of the Tuna Board! Although this movie is relativley short and is over quite quickly, it provides a nice dose of entertainment. I say that the best thing in this movie was definitely the animations; Jack Bz proved that he is a VERY decent newbie and has a very good future in store for him if he keeps 3dmming. Other parts from people we have seen work from before (Tuna, Denny, Rory (Roadkill Dave) and Dan) were all very nicely animated, particularly Dan and Rory's. All the voices were done by the fish man himself so that automatically guarantees something good in the voice department. Overall this is a good addition to the 2005 Fright Fest, and alot of fun to watch. Review by Ben Rice.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
5 Day Chain Movie: Henry Vs S'kelly, The [4.11 MB]
Animation Tournament East Division: Round 1
Directed by: Beast, various community members
Released: May 2004
Preview The first of the East Round of the gargantuan Animation Tournmanet devised by none other than the Beast himself, the entries in this compilation range from crap to coolio as you sit down and watch the range of animators battle it out for a place at the tops. My personal favourites were Doughboy's, HMC's and Denny's entries. Download now.
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Animation Tournament East Division: Round 1 [2.37 MB]
Animation Tournament East Division: Round 2
Directed by: Beast, various community members
Released: July 2004
Preview The tounrey has returned, and this time with a vengeance. Being the very first AT episode to do voice reviews, you'll find this episode to be a lot more compelling than your average animation competition. Best entries: Definitely Z-Man and Denny Betterman.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Animation Tournament East Division: Round 2 [5.31 MB]
Animation Tournament East Division: Round 3
Directed by: Beast, various community members
Released: October 2004
Preview Back for it's third and most recent installment, the Animation Tournament is back, packing a serious punch of mind blowing animation. The animation shorts contained within this movie are honestly the best of the best. As ever, the clips are truly fantastic and creative. Leslie Wai's entry was easily my favorite, something of a short movie in it's own right, worthy of a top mark! Voice reviews are back, yet I still couldn't shake the feeling that the overall presentation was a little chaotic. Nevertheless, a fantastic showcase and something to watch if you feel like dribbling or are considering a 3dmm retirement.
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Animation Tournament East Division: Round 3 [15.34 MB]
Animation Tournament West Division: Round 1
Directed by: Beast, various community members
Released: February 2004
Preview I've been keeping my eye on this piece ever since it was just an idea. When I heard that some of the top 3dmm'ers in the community were going to battle it out in an animation tournament, I couldn't help but get a little excited. Round 1 (Yay! There's gonna be more!), has been expertly crafted, and the quality of the entries is top notch. A 'must' download.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Animation Tournament West Division: Round 1 [2.06 MB]
Animation Tournament West Division: Round 2
Directed by: Beast, various community members
Released: March 2004
Preview Down to the semi-finals in the west division, with entries from Pogo, Skitch, Anders Borg, and Thomas Bown. The little intros before each round were very good, and in my opinion, the presentation is even better then when Aaron did it in Round 1. The entries themselves were of a much higher quality as well. Skitch's entry was good, but by far the best was Anders Borg's amazing entry against Thomas Bown, which should be immortalized in 3dmm history. Overall much better then the first, and something everyone should download.
Overall rating: 8/10 Download
Animation Tournament West Division: Round 2 [3.40 MB]
Animation Tournament West Division: Round 3
Directed by: Beast, various community members
Released: May 2004
Preview The final Round of the animation tournament's West Division, and what a way to end! Two absolutely perfect pieces of animation here, possibly the best ever seen in 3dmm! Skitch's involved great HmC animation and humour, while Anders' is spooky, sublime, sassy, and sexy, with the best fight scene done in 3dmm. Ever. There is also a sort of mini-entry by Beast, with a cel-shaded Skitch and Anders fighting. Overall, this is a must download!
Overall rating: 9/10 Download
Animation Tournament West Division: Round 3 [2.45 MB]
Chain of Events 2
Directed by: Various community members
Released: August 2004
Preview The sequel to Chain Of Events, but unfortunately, not as good. Falling under the 'comedy' genre, I don't recall smirking once throughout the entire 15 minute runtime... It's randomness just isn't funny. I didn't even understand who did what bits. A real let down.
Overall rating: 3/10 Download
Chain of Events 2 [7.95 MB]
Chain of Events: Community Chain Movie
Directed by: Various community members
Released: March 2004
Preview Ah. The 'ever impossible to organise' chain movie genre makes another welcomed appearance. I don't believe we have had a successful chain movie release since 'Deep Under'. 'The Chain of Events' (clever title) was started by Alan Maloney, and had a total of 11 other directors. If you aren't familiar with the chain movie genre, it is quite simple. First off, the director (in this case Alan) organises a team. Each team member will have to contribute a scene of their own. The initial director and organiser kicks things off with an opening scene to the movie. He/she then sends this to the next team member in the 'chain'. Once this person has done his/her scene, he/she sends it to the next team member; and so-on-and-so-forth. A vague plot is usually worked out before hand too that each director should follow. They can however take their own stance or perspective. This can create some hilarious quirkiness. 'Chain of Events' is exactly follows suit. There are some very funny moments, some very random moments and some equally impressive moments. I thought Gavin Owers and Jeremy Dick's pieces were the best. Overall though, the movie had 'mediocre' written all over it. A lot of the scenes were pretty average, but others were pretty cool. The same goes for animation. I guess the movie lacked a feel of 'quality continuity'. Certainly not rubbish, but not hugely brilliant. Everyone should download and watch it anyways...
Overall rating: 7/10 Download
Chain of Events: Community Chain Movie [4.67 MB]
Flood of Blood, A
Directed by: Various community members
Released: June 2004
Preview A pretty damn insane chain movie by many members of the community, with some pretty nifty animations from many talented people. No story, just mindless killing, explosions and silly voices. It's a lot of fun to start with, but it gets a little tiring eventualy. If you love PAMs then this is the movie for you. Review by Ben Rice.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
Flood of Blood, A [2.09 MB]
UK 3dmm default samples
Directed by: Various
Released: October 1995
Preview This download contains the collection of sample movies that came bundled with UK edition of 3D Movie Maker. Unforgettable by anyone who owned 3dmm shortly after it's release, these movies were our early inspiration. I thought I'd add this pack to the site as the movies included in the US edition of 3dmm are somewhat different; some have been strangely edited, and both have their own regional exclusives. Download for the sakes of nostalgia if nothing else. Review by Will Cheyney.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
UK 3dmm default samples [1.30 MB]
US 3dmm default samples
Directed by: Various
Released: October 1995
Preview This download contains the collection of sample movies that came bundled with US edition of 3D Movie Maker. Unforgettable by anyone who owned 3dmm shortly after it's release, these movies were our early inspiration. I thought I'd add this pack to the site as the movies included in the UK edition of 3dmm are somewhat different; some have been strangely edited, and both have their own regional exclusives. Download for the sakes of nostalgia if nothing else. Review by Will Cheyney.
Overall rating: 6/10 Download
US 3dmm default samples [1.10 MB]